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Cramping pain in the abdomen during menstruation - getting rid of it with proven methods
For all women of reproductive age, menstrual flow is an integral part of their normal pattern
What does the cervix look like before menstruation?
Many women are interested in what color their periods should be normally, because this indicator indicates
Is brown discharge with an unpleasant odor dangerous?
Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor is no longer normal, but a sign of pathology. U
Should you drink Postinor: convenient contraception or a health threat?
Use of postinor in accordance with the instructions and taking into account contraindications for the use of this drug,
ectopic pregnancy
Is it dangerous to have black discharge after menstruation?
Normal menstrual flow is dark red in color and contains a small amount of clots, but sometimes girls
menstruation while on vacation
Why do periods end in the evening and begin in the morning?
Some interesting facts You can find menstruation in ancient times with all sorts of epithets:
Delay 5 Days White Discharge Test Negative
Every woman of reproductive age experiences bleeding from the vagina every month. This is a natural process
A common complaint from women: your period is over, but your breasts hurt.
Menstrual discharge is often accompanied by breast swelling and tenderness. This is due to increased production
Middle line on the basal temperature chart
What should be the temperature during ovulation in the anus?
Following proper temperature measurements is important to creating a reliable graph. But making a graph is also important
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