First sign of pregnancy discharge
Discharge like snot and other signs of pregnancy
In some cases, vaginal discharge is the first sign of pregnancy noticed by women. Women celebrate
How to determine the first day of the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is a physiological sequential change in a woman’s body aimed at pregnancy.
How to distinguish painful ovulation from a disease?
Right ovary hurts during ovulation: causes and symptoms
What are the causes of painful ovulation? The reasons may vary from genetic predisposition to
Causes and consequences of spotting before menstruation
Spotting after menstruation is a situation that makes every girl who encounters this problem worry.
Tips on how to go to the toilet with a tampon and important questions about the hygiene product
How to go to the toilet with a tampon: secrets from girls
Tampons are a very convenient means of personal hygiene. Their main advantages: They are the optimal choice for
Lying in a hot bath during menstruation - is it possible or not?
Menstruation is an important process for every woman, when her body cleanses itself and restores itself, prepares
On what day of the menstrual cycle do women donate blood for prolactin?
If there are signs of hormonal disorders, experts recommend preparing for a study of the hormone prolactin - for which
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Hemostatic drugs and folk remedies for heavy periods
Effective folk treatment for uterine bleeding In folk medicine, hemostatic agents are used for uterine bleeding
comprehensive examination
Method of lactational amenorrhea: features of contraception, contraindications
How long is the menstrual cycle does not resume while the woman’s body continues to actively produce prolactin,
Creamy, odorless discharge: white, creamy, like sour cream
Reasons for the appearance of creamy, odorless discharge in women Regular leucorrhoea from the vagina is a sign
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