High knife amputation of the cervix. Cervical amputation: indications, essence of the operation and consequences
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Why does local thickening of the myometrium occur? myometrial norms during pregnancy. hypertonicity of the myometrium during pregnancy. thickening of the myometrium during pregnancy
Thickening of the myometrium along the posterior wall during pregnancy
Thickening of the uterine wall does not always indicate a serious pathology. In some cases this is due
Is a white spot on the cervix cancer or not?
In a healthy state, the cervix has the classic color of the normal mucous membrane - light pink, uniform.
We find out in what cases it is necessary to remove a cervical cyst and what methods of cauterization of this pathology exist...
How to cauterize a cyst on the cervix and what complications may arise
≡ Home → Tumor diseases of the uterus → Cervical cyst → Cervical cyst
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How will childbirth proceed after cauterization of cervical erosion?
Childbirth after cauterization of cervical erosion can be planned if complete recovery has occurred. With high quality
Components of the uterus
Treatment of follicular ovarian cyst with folk remedies
The most common pathology that occurs among gynecological diseases is an ovarian cyst. With her
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An ovum is a mature female reproductive cell. A newborn girl has almost two million immature cells,
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Tests for cervical erosion: which ones need to be taken before and after cauterization, for treatment, why the tests are bad
Surgical treatment of cervical-cervical pathology requires preliminary preparation. Tests before cauterization of erosion on the cervix
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