How long does it take for a period love spell based on a photo to work?

How to make a love spell for periods

Magic rituals have long been used to connect two lonely people who, for some reason, cannot independently come together and unite their destinies. Love spells using menstrual blood are popular.

Every year they are used by more and more representatives of the fair sex and rarely think about the consequences, highlighting the desire to love and be loved, albeit in such an unusual way.

Women do not consider that the object of love may already be legally married and calmly destroy families, eventually getting the desired partner next to them, but the feelings of the bewitched are not always mutual.

It is recommended to do a love spell for menstruation on your own on the third day of the cycle, when the power of the blood is enormous.

You need to create silence in the room and not let strangers in.
Casting a love spell on menstruation is allowed only if you have sincere feelings for your partner; you cannot cast a love spell for the sake of revenge or fun. Ways to make a love spell on menstrual blood:

  1. Take a white cloth , drip some period blood, dry it, burn it, and mix the resulting mass into your loved one’s drink.
  2. Discreetly mix menstruation into the gentleman’s food and say the words of the spell out loud. This will instantly bind the victim and enslave his will.
  3. Pour an even number of drops of blood into the guy’s food or drink and say special words.
  4. Pour a couple of drops of blood into the wine and read the magic spell 7 times, give the wine to the gentleman - then the love spell for menstruation will instantly begin to work. The consequences of the blood ritual will be minimal after this ritual.
  5. Take menstrual blood , read a special magic spell over it and drip it onto a photograph of the object of love in the area of ​​​​his heart.
  6. You will need a full-length image of your loved one alone, 7 drops of period blood, 7 teaspoons of salt, a 3-liter saucepan of water, a wooden spatula and 14 candles. Light candles: 7 pieces in the room where fortune telling takes place and the remaining ones in the bathroom. Attach the photo of the man above the sink strictly at eye level, boil water, remove from heat, mix with salt, stir the liquid for 7 minutes. Pour the pan into a plugged sink, add menstrual blood, place your hands palms down over the water and imagine your betrothed. After a few minutes, drain the water. Wash your face with cold water and go to bed with clear thoughts. I note that this is one of the most powerful love spells for menstruation.
  7. Knead the dough for the pie while saying the words of the spell, bake it and anoint it with menstrual blood on top. Feed your loved one some baked goods and he will have an irresistible desire to connect his life with the one who made the cake. A love spell cast on menstruation will make relationships in such a family smooth, calm and harmonious.
  8. Draw a pentagram on the floor or a piece of paper. Place 1 candle at each end of the figure, put a photo of the desired gentleman in the center, write your own name in the blood from your period on the image and say the words of the spell.
  9. Prepare a photograph of a guy, black candles, a bottle of vodka, a mug, an awl, coal, horseradish root and peppercorns. On the third day of the cycle at night, collect monthly blood, drag the table to the middle of the room, light candles on it, hold the photograph in your hands, look the man clearly in the eyes, dip the awl in the blood and pierce the genitals of the betrothed in the photo. In a mug, mix 0.1 liters of vodka, horseradish, pepper and 3 drops of blood. Hide the photo in an envelope along with an awl, put it in a secluded place and put the finished potion there. All. One of the most powerful love spells for menstruation is ready. After a week, take out the tincture and add 5 drops to your gentleman’s food or drink.

A simple spell for menstrual blood

Among the simplest are love spells using pads. There are many ways to do this: using needles, pins, soil, fabric, etc.

In this case, wax and menstrual blood will be used:

  1. Six wax candles are finely chopped and melted in the flame of the seventh candle.
  2. The resulting wax mass is left to cool for 3-5 minutes, after which 3 drops of menstrual blood are added to it.
  3. When the wax cools a little more and becomes viscous, a small figurine is sculpted from it. The shape is not so important, but usually they make a silhouette of a person, a ball or a “tablet”.
  4. During the sculpting process they say: “I sculpt, I sculpt, I depict our love. I add my blood, I unite our destinies.”
  5. After this, the resulting figures are quietly thrown to a loved one: they are placed in a bag, under the door threshold, hidden in a room, etc.
  6. The second figurine, exactly the same in shape, is taken to the intersection closest to the guy’s house and buried there with the words: “Thank you, now I’ll pass by. You helped me, now stay as bail.”

Advice! You can soften the negative consequences of a love spell a little by paying off - for this, 5 coins are placed in the hole along with the figurine.

Consequences for a man

Each magical action has its consequences, which even a strong sorcerer cannot avoid. The consequences of a blood plot are experienced not only by the person being bewitched, but also by the one who performed the ritual.

First of all, it is worth understanding exactly what effect a love spell has on the male sex. It should be remembered that menstruation is a poison that can poison any organism. It can damage a vital human organ at any second, which is susceptible to various negative influences. If a young man suddenly begins to feel unwell, this means that the menstrual fluid has negatively affected his body, and he needs the help of another practitioner, as well as a doctor.

The power of the destructive depends on how long the bewitched person is under the influence of witchcraft spells. With each new “fake” he will get even worse.

The girl must know and understand this, because the conspiracy is valid only for a certain time. One fine day a man may not be able to withstand such a load, and then the outcome can be very sad.

During the first ceremony, a young man may experience the following symptoms:

  • severe dizziness;
  • foggy head;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headaches of varying degrees;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.

Parting with the object of his “love” is like torture for a man; he wants to be near a woman every second of his life. When separated from the woman he adores, he may even experience real physical pain. These are by no means the most negative consequences of magic that you will have to face.

The longer the effect of magic lasts, the more aggressive the man becomes. Problems with potency and the development of severe alcoholism, which cannot be cured, are possible. The gastrointestinal tract usually suffers the most, receiving “surprises” in the form of ulcers and other diseases.

Even if the love spell is performed by a practitioner, the customer will still receive the kickback!

Strong love spells for menstruation

There are several basic principles of such a ritual. It is either applied to menstrual blood or added to food or drink. In both cases, the effect manifests itself instantly, but not as long as other, safer rituals.

The ritual with blood itself has special power; reading certain conspiracies will direct the love spell to a specific action: it will ignite passion, force you to submit, or tie you with invisible ropes.

Another question is whether it is possible to bewitch a man with his periods for a long time or forever. Magicians say that if you have decided to take such a step, it is better to do it once a month. Because it is during this period that the strong initial effect decreases and the other side of this love spell appears - aggression or indifference.

Menstrual blood that enters a man’s body leaves its love spell effect forever.

Another way that will cause an instant reaction in a man is to add a piece of sugar with a drop of blood to a hot drink (coffee, tea). You need to prepare this sugar in advance. The blood should be completely absorbed and dry thoroughly.

Sugar needs to be divided into several small parts and added each time to a cup of drink.

If possible, it is better to seek help from a specialist , but you can always carry out a love spell on menstruation yourself - the main thing is to strictly follow the recommended timing and sequence of actions for its implementation, since any mistake can have serious consequences.

In addition, you should remember that it is undesirable to use love magic on a man who has already been bewitched.

The effect of the love spell lasts at least 7 years. When it enters someone else's body, menstrual blood has an effect tantamount to poison. It poisons the victim on a mental and physical level. The whole process is divided into two stages:

  • unconscious (a person experiences fever, depression, lethargy, causeless anxiety, solitude);
  • conscious (strong attraction to the performer, attempts to establish contact with him, appearance of his image in dreams).

Attention! The man has no room in his thoughts for other girls - his attention is completely concentrated on the witch.

With red wine

For a powerful love spell with menstrual blood, alcoholic drinks are used. The method works quickly and allows you to attract your loved one forever.

Experts recommend using red wine, since it comes into close energetic contact with black magic. You can also use other drinks:

  • liqueur;
  • champagne;
  • beer.

To cast a love spell, your period must fall on a new moon. Sequencing:

  1. Three drops of blood are added to a glass of wine or other drink.
  2. They repeat the plot seven times: “After tasting my blood, you will begin to give me your will, you will become close and dear. I will be your mistress forever."
  3. The charmed drink is given to the desired person.

If your beloved is Muslim and does not drink alcohol, you must choose a different method of love spell. This also applies to other people who have given up alcoholic beverages.

Love spell for periods in photo

To cast a love spell on men, it is not necessary to carry out soldering; you can use a photo. There should be no strangers in the picture, only the beloved, in full growth. Blood is collected on the third day of menstruation. You will need three drops. The ceremony takes place at midnight.

The first drop should be placed on the heart area and the following words should be read:

“My blood is now circulating through your body. Only my image now keeps your heart, it doesn’t tell you to look at others.”

The second drop is dripped onto the forehead and said:

“Now only I will live in your head. You will only dream about me. No matter what he did, he could never get rid of thoughts about me.”

The third drop is dripped into the genital area and the last spell is said:

“My body will become a magnet for you. You’ll forget to look at others.”

After the blood has completely dried, the photo must be burned and the ashes scattered. The ritual is very strong, so it will take effect almost immediately after you scatter the ashes. By the way, if possible, it is better to do this near your lover’s house.

With the help of menstruation photos, you can make many love spell options. The following ritual is considered one of the simplest:

  1. Late in the evening, an odd number of drops of blood are applied to a photograph of the beloved man.
  2. Then they read the text of the conspiracy: “I conjure with the sun and moon, I attract you to myself, I bind you to my soul. Just as the heavenly bodies replace each other forever, so you and I will be together forever and ever.”
  3. The ritual is completed by smearing the blood crosswise with a finger.

After this, the photograph is hidden in a secluded place.

When the ritual is completed, you need to wash your face with cold water and go to bed. Before going to bed, they once again think about their feelings and imagine how the object of the spell comes to the performer.

Cemetery Plot

Using the energy of the cemetery allows you to enhance the effect of black magic and speed up the effect of the love spell. The order of the ceremony:

  1. After waiting for the full moon, two candles are lit. A rotten red apple is placed between them and they say: “As a flame illuminates an apple, so let it illuminate (name)’s path to me.”
  2. Unfold the paper napkin. In the upper left corner they write the name of the person on whom the love spell is being cast. A six-pointed star is drawn on the upper right side.
  3. Place 3 drops of blood in the lower left corner and write your name on the opposite side.
  4. The charmed apple is cut into two equal parts and a napkin is placed between them. Both parts are wrapped in red thread and said: “There are showers that will connect the two parts of one whole. The blood will wash them and strengthen the bond.”
  5. The apple is placed under the pillow all night and goes to bed.
  6. At dawn they go to the cemetery, where they need to bury the enchanted fruit. After this, they turn their face towards the sunrise and stand for 3 minutes. On the way home it is forbidden to talk or turn around.

Depending on the phase of the moon

The love spell must be performed on the waning moon. Blood obtained on the first day of menstruation is suitable for this.

Blood should be added to any non-alcoholic drink , most often tea or coffee is chosen. The liquid must be spoken 12 times. To do this, they say over her: “I call on the dark forces for help.

Direct your desire and passion towards (name). It will be impossible to cope with them, only I can quench the melancholy. Intoxicated with spiritual and physical desire, he will not be able to escape anywhere. He will cry and be bored."

When the spell is cast, a ransom must be made. To do this, at midnight they go to the crossroads and bury several small coins in the ground, pour water on them and quickly go home.

Period love spell for waning moon

A love spell for the waning moon using menstrual blood is done in a cemetery using a photo of a beloved man:

  1. In the evening, the burial of a man who lived an unrighteous life is found in the cemetery. At the same time, you should avoid the graves of suicides.
  2. A small handful of earth is taken from the selected grave, leaving 7 nickels in return.
  3. They return home with this land, where the main work will be carried out. A handful is poured onto a white saucer and a photo of your loved one is placed next to it.
  4. A black candle is stuck into the ground. 13 ordinary candles are placed in a semicircle on the table.
  5. At exactly midnight the candles are lit, starting with the black one. When it burns out a little, wax is dripped from it onto the photo, drawing a cross. Then they read the text of the love spell for menstruation 3 times: “She took the earth from the sinner, took his earthly passions with her. Just as he indulged his passions, so you will obey me.”
  6. After this, 3 drops of menstrual blood are applied to the photo. It is burned and the ashes are mixed with cemetery soil, after removing the candle from the saucer.
  7. The next day, the earth and ashes are poured out at the threshold of the chosen one’s house.

Important! Additionally, it is necessary to pay off the dark forces at the crossroads. Changes or treats are dropped in there.

On distance

This spell for menstruation is carried out at a distance. It is relevant when it is impossible to have personal contact with the person on whom the love spell is being cast.

The ritual is performed for three days in a row. The performer drips a small amount of blood onto his forehead and says: “Like blood on my body (name) will be.”

After reciting the spell, they wait until the blood dries completely, remembering the image of their beloved. You need to carefully imagine the happiness that will reign in your relationship with him.

Important! Throughout the days of the ritual, you need to tune in to a positive result.

Occultist A. Stepanov claims that a positive attitude is a mandatory element of the ritual. Belief in the power of a love spell enhances the magic and helps you achieve your goal.

Love spell on a man with periods on a white cloth

You can bewitch your loved one for their period using white fabric. To do this, simply apply a few drops of blood to a white piece of cloth, a scarf or a towel and dry the material.

On the same day it is burned, and the remaining ashes are collected in a glass container. At the first opportunity, you should add a small pinch to your chosen one’s drink, after whispering the following words over the liquid:

“Just as this blood was one with me, so you will now be one with me, my betrothed.”

Advice! For the best effect, ashes are added to men’s food and drink a little at a time for 7 days. The ritual is repeated once a month.

To intensify passion in the family

If the sexual and energetic connection in a family has begun to weaken, then it can be restored with the help of a simple ritual. Reading magic words is allowed only at the time of the waxing moon.

Wait until your husband falls asleep. After this, take a drop of menstrual blood and place it on your finger.

Touch the man’s forehead with your finger and read the following plot:

After this, wipe the man’s forehead with a napkin. Hide the napkin in a secluded place so that no one will find it. This way it should be stored for a month until the time comes for a new ceremony.

No one should know about your action, otherwise the consequences may become irreversible, and you will not achieve results.

Strong love spells with a candle

Before you begin a magical ritual, you need to take into account that its effect will be very strong. If a lady does not see in a man a person with whom she is ready to build a serious relationship for life, then the ritual is not worth performing, since its consequences can be the most disastrous.

What you will need:

  • 3 candles bought at church;
  • scratch your name and the man’s name on the candles;
  • the wicks of the candles are lit;
  • take 5 drops of menstrual fluid, pour them into a glass of water and put in gold jewelry.

You need to make a spell on the candles:

“Spread and disperse, my little blood, by the quarters of the intoxication. And as the slave (lover’s name) drinks this hop, my blood will flow through his veins and drive his mind into the ram’s horn. For me alone (name), he will begin to think, his chest will burn with heat, for me alone he will begin to wither and wither. Once upon a time there was a peasant whose oblique fathom would stare at me, he would begin to desire me alone. My word says so, and so it will be done!”

Water is poured into a ladle and boiled over a candle flame. At midnight, water is poured over the left shoulder at any intersection.

Love spell with blood for 14 candles

For another love spell you need to prepare:

  • 14 candles;
  • 7 liters of water;
  • 7 spoons of salt.

You can’t do without a photo of your loved one.

  1. Place candles (7 pieces each) in the kitchen and bathroom, attach the card to the mirror in the bathroom.
  2. Boil water, add salt and 7 drops of blood.
  3. Then they pour it into a sink with a closed drain and pronounce a special verbal formula over the water, holding their hands over the sink.
  4. At the end of the manipulations, the water is drained.

Another ritual to attract a long-distance lover to you. Before going to bed, you need to place a drop of blood on your forehead and clearly imagine the man of your dreams, feel the joy of communicating with him.

Then read:

“As the blood is on me, so are you with me.”

Magical actions must be repeated daily for three days. You can use another option: on a moonlit night, draw crosses on your wrists with menstrual blood, say a spell and go to bed naked. In the morning, wipe away marks with a piece of linen cloth.

Strong love spell for husband during menstruation

During menstruation, you can perform a strong love spell on your husband. It is easy to do at home and involves preparing a delicious dinner.

All you need to do when preparing food is to drop a few drops of menstruation into the dish and say the following spell:

“I don’t need my blood anymore, it left me. But it will be useful to my husband, God’s servant (name of spouse). Let him feel my strong love. From now on and forever, he will think only about me and will never cheat on me. Day and night he will desire only me.”

The love spell begins to work almost immediately after the husband tries the prepared dish. It is very important that there is intimacy with your spouse this evening.

It is very easy to charm your husband during his period by throwing a romantic party with red wine. To do this, collect a few drops of blood on the second day of menstruation.

In the dead of night, you need to retire to a separate room and light a red candle. The blood collected in the container must be placed in front of you.

After this, the following spell is recited:

“Pour my blood into the Servant of God (name of the man), awaken a strong passion for me. Let my blood flow through his veins, let him yearn for me and not imagine life without me. Let there be no force on earth that can separate us. Amen".

The next day, add blood to the wine during romantic gatherings in the comfort of your home.

What you definitely can’t avoid

  • A man will never love a woman forcibly. There is no need to create illusions that after some time feelings will awaken and the couple will celebrate old age together.
  • Such witchcraft blocks the male will, which means that there can be no talk of any career achievements.
  • The affection of a bewitched man results in intense jealousy, which knows no bounds. He will be jealous of his children, friends, dog, and make scenes with or without reason.
  • In most cases, the person under the influence becomes extremely aggressive. Often women were beaten, injured, and sometimes the result of such aggression was dealt with by law enforcement agencies.
  • Most likely, feelings will awaken not only for the lady, but also for drugs and alcohol.
  • If your health fails, doctors will not be able to help. The impact will have to be removed, and this will immediately result in a strong kickback.
  • Less experienced magicians can perform the “Black Wedding” ritual, which is considered the most powerful. The wedding is not cancelled, and the couple can no longer be separated, because they were “married” by the dead. One of the partners necessarily dies, “taking” the other with him.

Blood love spells with food or drink

The most powerful love spells are made by adding blood to drinks and food. Before the ceremony, fast for 3 days. It is strictly forbidden to eat food of animal origin - meat, fish, sausages.

Allowed food : dairy, with the exception of eggs, baked goods. Fruits and vegetables can be except scarlet. Coffee and tea are prohibited. They pay off the ritual with blood taken from a finger in advance. The payment is raw meat. Buy only at the market, pay in banknotes. Mentally when buying, say: “Blood bought it.”

The love spell is done on the full moon. Hide the images and crosses. At midnight, take thirteen scarlet candles and make a circle. Stand in the center, moving counterclockwise from the west side. Place a scarlet vessel in the center, drip 9 drops of blood from your index finger, add fortified red wine. Kneel down in front of the vessel, cross your hands on your sternum, cross your index and middle fingers.

You need to read a love spell on a guy using blood from your finger three times: “I bowed to three crosses, bought it with the help of blood.”

While you speak, bow. Without rising, approach the vessel and stir the drink counterclockwise with a wooden spoon. Say the magic words of the pure blood love spell nine times:

“Earth juice, moonlight, heady Cahors, scarlet blood, turn into a love drink on the heart of (name) for passion, love for (name). Forever and ever, until the last breath, until the last drop of blood. Demon, I bow down - serve, help: ignite (name)’s heart for (name), they found dryness sweeping across (the girl) in the joints, bones and seventy-seven veins, in one and the rest. Only her eyes will be visible, only her whitish breasts. If he eats, he won’t eat, he will sleep, he won’t fall asleep, he will love (name) until his death! The word is strong!”

The vessel is covered with scarlet cloth. Extinguish candles counterclockwise. Exit the circle on the east side. You cannot collect your equipment before sunrise; go straight to bed.

Clean up in the morning. Pour the drink with liquid from your finger into a dark glass bottle. Pour the love spell potion into a glass of wine. It is impossible for a man to suspect magic.

Love spells on food and drink have always been one of the most convenient ways to attract a man - it is very easy to hide the main material of the conspiracy in a treat. In addition, they usually do not require a complex ritual.

It is enough to add a few drops of menstrual blood to a drink or dish and read the text of the love spell : “You drink my blood, you give up your will. I took mine, I'll take yours. I'll take away peace, I'll take happiness. If you want to take it back, come to me. When you come, you will stay with me. Let it be so. Word, castle."

After this, the chosen one is treated to the charmed food.

Period love spell on food

This love spell will help you get your husband or lover back. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and cook a delicious dinner, adding menstrual blood to the guy’s favorite dishes. It is collected on the second or third day of menstruation and should be used within the next three days.

So, blood is added to the finished dish with the words:

“My blood, enter into the servant of God (name). Let him burn with love and passion for me, servant of God (name), and only dream about me. My word is law! Amen!".

Feed your man the enchanted food and the effect will be noticeable almost immediately. You will be able to cast a spell within a few hours. Please note that the person being bewitched should not hate you. After all, after a month after the ceremony, all negative feelings can become very aggravated.

For the pie

This is one of the most ancient icings for attracting male attention. You need to stain your clothes with monthly blood and soak them for an hour. The fabric should be free of foreign odors and large stains.

Clothes are taken out exactly one hour after soaking. The water is drained and the pie dough is kneaded on it. The delicacy will act as a magical intermediary between the beloved and the forces to which the witch appeals.

For the spell to take effect, you need to feed the man a pie. When he takes the first bite, they mentally say: “The blood will live in him and torment the soul. He will take all the energy, he will find salvation only in me. He won’t even look at others, all roads will lead to my doorstep.”

In addition to love attraction, sipping helps increase sexual desire. As a result, the witch will be the only woman the victim can think about.

For sugar

To perform this love spell on your period, you need to take three drops of blood and a teaspoon of sugar. The blood is mixed with sugar, saying in a whisper: “I am combining the sweet components. They intoxicate and attract, it is impossible to get enough of them.

(name) will be tied to me forever. No one can divide us. No circumstance will arise that will destroy our union.”

After reading the words, the charmed sugar is added to the food. It must be tried by the man on whom the sacrament was performed.

The spell for menstrual blood using sugar is read as follows:

  1. 2 drops of menstrual blood are mixed with 1 tsp. Sahara.
  2. After this, they recite the text of the love spell: “As sugar is sweet, so our love will be sweet. Just as my blood is hot, so the passion in your heart will burn hot.”
  3. Charmed sugar is added to food or drink and treated to the chosen one.

The results of a sugar love spell usually become noticeable within 3-5 days.

Love spell on bread

Our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers also used magical rituals with menstrual blood. One of the most ancient rituals to bewitch a man is a love spell on a bread cake.

It is done as follows. An item stained with menstrual blood is rinsed in water. And from this water a bread cake is subsequently made. The beloved must then completely eat this cake.

It is advisable to do this love spell only once and use blood taken on the second or third day of menstruation. You can bewitch a man using a period love spell very quickly. The result will be noticeable immediately after he eats the cake.

Love spell on wine

To make a guy fall in love with you, you can use a love spell with blood and wine. Due to its color and consistency, wine is considered an ideal drink for use in magic. To do this, you need to add blood to a glass of wine with the words:

“Just as the blood was in me, so you are now with me! Amen!".

After reading the plot, the lover must drink a drink. You can use another drink, but give preference to something not very alcoholic. Beer, champagne, liqueur will do.

In order to bewitch a guy, your thoughts must be pure, without the desire for revenge or harm. Tune in to the wave of happiness and everything will definitely work out.

Consequences for the girl

There is also a fee for the person who performs the ceremony. The impact is especially strong if the love spell was removed for one reason or another. The result will be mental or physical impairment.

Biological material that penetrates a man’s stomach tends to absorb all the negativity. If handled incorrectly, it can transfer to a woman. The menstrual fluid itself contains all the information about its owner. When the program is removed, the kickback will be sent to it in the form of a serious punishment.

Most often, two areas of the female body are affected. If, nevertheless, a decision was made to carry out the ceremony, then you should know the likely consequences in advance. The girl may face the following problems:

  • Blood disease. This rollback option is the most common, because the ritual itself is performed specifically on biological fluid.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. The severity of the disease directly depends on the strength of the ritual performed. Sometimes everything gets by with a simple thrush, but it happens that the result will be sexually transmitted diseases and infertility.

Such love spells are black magic! The outcome of such pleasures is always sad. Children and grandchildren always pay for the sins of their mothers. The girl should realize that one day the magical effect will end, and all the “love” will disappear. In its place will come hatred, disgust, and most often strong aggression.

You should not trust tempting promises from online charlatans.

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