Ways to prepare the cervix for childbirth
Is it possible to use belladonna preparations before childbirth? In gynecology, the attitude towards belladonna suppositories
Causes of ICN
How long does it take for an internal suture to heal after a cesarean section?
Causes of ICI During pregnancy, the cervix of the genital organ is a kind of closure, thanks to which the child
Ovarian biopsy in women: what it is, how it is performed, results
About the procedure Many couples at the planning stage of a baby encounter problems. Woman turns to
Is it possible to use Livarol suppositories during menstruation?
Use of Livarol during menstruation The monthly arrival of menstruation indicates the normal functioning of the female reproductive system
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Simultaneous manifestation of thrush and cystitis
Itching and burning in the urethra and vagina in women can be symptoms
Sanitary pad and panties
Can a cyst burst during menstruation and pregnancy: signs, first aid
What is the corpus luteum of the ovary? The corpus luteum of the ovary is a special temporary endocrine organ
Douching with chamomile and calendula for inflammation
Douching is a method of washing the vagina with solutions of medicinal substances or water. Douching is carried out with
How to use nystatin ointment for thrush?
Nystatin is one of the most famous medications for getting rid of fungus and candida in
Is sea buckthorn oil effective for cervical erosion: treatment with traditional methods and suppositories + reviews from women
Oil and juice from sea buckthorn berries promote skin regeneration - therefore, even in official
Consultation with a gynecologist
Treatment of cervical diseases: conization
What is conization of the cervix? Biopsy is used as the main method for diagnosing cervical pathology.
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