Polyp of the cervical canal - methods of surgical removal, postoperative management
How to detect polyps: symptoms Contents of the article Polyps are benign formations on the mucous membrane. Have
Image 1: ToRCH infections - Family Doctor clinic
TORCH infection: description of diseases, diagnosis, interpretation of tests, treatment
The group of ToRCH infections includes diseases whose infection during pregnancy poses a serious threat to the fetus.
Levomekol for thrush
Is it possible to smear levomekol for thrush?
Doctors say that Levomekol works well for thrush. This drug is in most cases known
Anechoic formation of mammary glands
Features of anechoic formations in the mammary gland
One of the safest, most accessible and popular research methods is breast ultrasound. For specialists
Norkolut for early pregnancy termination
Norkolut for endometriosis is prescribed to women with grades 1 and 2 of the hormone-dependent disease. Also active
diflucan suppositories
"Diflucan" (suppositories): indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Diflucan suppositories are a local medicine against various forms of candidiasis, which has many
How to lose weight with polycystic ovary syndrome: important rules when creating a menu and doctor’s advice
» Weight loss » Diets » Diet for polycystic ovary syndrome 0 367 Article rating Polycystic ovary syndrome
Photo: Malignant and benign ovarian tumors
Ovarian tumor. Symptoms and treatment of ovarian tumors in women
Ovarian neoplasms (tumor of the right ovary in women, as well as tumor of the left ovary in women)
increased white blood cells in the cervix
Increased leukocytes in the smear: reasons for changes in indicators and ways to eliminate the problem
Leukocytes (white immune blood cells) are the blood elements of the immune system. Their task is
How to make a gynecological tampon with dimexide at home
According to modern gynecologists, problems with women's health can be eliminated with accessible and inexpensive means.
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