How to lower estradiol levels in women in safe ways

Hyperestrogenism or excess estrogen is a health condition characterized by excessive amounts of estrogen in the body. Estrogens are the general name for female hormones that are produced in the follicular part of the ovaries. There are three types of estrogens: estradiol, estriol, and estrone. Hormones collectively affect not only a woman’s reproductive system, they improve the strength of the bone system, increase metabolic processes and increase resistance to disease.

Estrogen levels in women

Unlike men, women's estrogen levels can fluctuate greatly.

Since estradiol is the main hormone of the estrogen group, it is often tested and the norm is checked.

With age, estrogen levels decrease, especially during the premenopausal and menopausal stages.

Reasons for increased estradiol

Elevated estradiol in women is observed with:

  • Tumors that produce estrogen;
  • The presence of a follicular cyst;
  • Follicle persistence (lack of egg release);
  • Genital endometriosis;
  • Chorionepitheliomas;
  • Adrenal tumors;
  • Complication of hepatitis with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Disorders of the pituitary gland;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Obesity.

Excess estradiol is observed with uncontrolled use of a number of medications, including estrogen-containing contraceptives.

Signs of increased estrogen in a woman’s body

In order to lower estrogen it is necessary to discover the cause of the growth of hormones. For certain cases, it will be enough to change your diet and include physical exercise.

Exceeding the normal level of estrogen entails a number of destructive changes in the body. This manifests itself in a variety of symptoms, since estrogens have a huge number of target organs and interact with almost all body systems .

With this hormonal imbalance, a woman is prone to fatigue, drowsiness, becomes irritable and conflicted, and often gains excess weight, which, without control of nutrition and physical activity, leads to obesity. Deposition of excess fat occurs in the waist and hips. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

With a prolonged increase in estrogen in a woman’s body, there is a high risk of tumor diseases . Insomnia, astheno-neurotic symptoms, hair loss, rash, and frequent colds are observed.

Hyperestrogenism can also manifest itself as increased sensitivity, engorgement of the nipples and mammary glands, and increased blood pressure. The risk of varicose veins. Spotting bleeding from the vagina, menstrual irregularities, decreased libido.

Drug treatment

Medications affect not only the organs of the reproductive system, but also the digestive tract. Since it is precisely problems with its activity and condition that lead to an increase in the concentration of estradiol.

Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract are treated with probiotics, antibiotics, and medications that normalize acidity levels. Hormonal imbalance - with substances of appropriate properties.

Reduction of estradiol in women with Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen, a drug that suppresses estrogenic activity, helps lower estradiol. The main active ingredient is tamoxifen citrate. The drug prevents and treats cancer of the ovaries, endometrium, and mammary glands.

Side effects of the drug:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • short-term leg cramps;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • drowsiness;
  • changes in blood pressure levels;
  • indigestion, difficulties with bowel movements;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • swelling due to fluid retention inside the tissues;
  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting).

Contraindications – tendency to form blood clots, liver disease, eye pathology. The daily dosage should not exceed 40 mg. If there is trembling of the hands or lack of coordination of movements, the volume of the medicine is reduced.

Reduction of estradiol in women with Indinol

Indinol is also a widely used drug in the fight against hormonal imbalance. Has antiestrogenic activity. Helps reduce estradiol in women if the increase in the substance is due to active tumor processes in the body. For example, the development of cancer of the cervix, mammary glands, and ovaries.

The drug has the only contraindication - it cannot be used simultaneously with medications that reduce stomach acidity.

Possible side effects are an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region. The daily dosage should not be lower than 4 capsules per day (2 capsules in 2 doses), which is equivalent to 400 mg of medication. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but on average this period is at least 3 months.

Reduction of estradiol by Mastodinone

The drug is of plant origin, used in the form of drops or tablets. It is not used in postmenopausal women, since one of the pharmaceutical purposes of the drug is to restore the menstrual cycle. In addition, Mastodinon promotes pregnancy. The drug is strictly contraindicated in the presence of confirmed malignant breast tumors. Additional properties of the medicine:

  • normalization of psycho-emotional state;
  • elimination and prevention of headaches;
  • relieving tension in the mammary glands;
  • prevention of digestive disorders;
  • relief and prevention of the development of edema.

The average duration of the therapeutic course is at least 3 months. Possible side effects are weight gain, appearance of male pattern hair, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, changes in appetite).

Reducing estradiol with Yarina

Hormones are also used to normalize estradiol in the blood of women. One of the drugs in this series is Yarina. The active substance is excreted through the function of the digestive and urinary tract. The drug may cause side effects, one of which is hypertension. If you experience headaches or a feeling of a flush of heat in your face, stop using the medicine.

Taking the contraceptive is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots, but reviews of the use of the drug indicate that deaths are unlikely. Contraindications for the use of the drug Yarina are disorders of the neurological and circulatory systems.

The duration of the course can only be determined by a gynecologist, but the average is 21 days.

Causes of increased estrogen in a woman’s body

  1. Nutrition plays a key role in all diseases. If you irrationally consume too fatty foods or have an improper diet, there is a risk of increasing estrogen levels, which will lead to obesity and other health problems;
  2. Liver diseases, since it is in it that estrogen is utilized and processed;
  3. Stressful situations. In this case, not only the consequences of an increase in estrogen are treated, but also the psychological state;
  4. Tumor formations of organs that relate to the reproductive system can lead to pathological production of estrogens.

Treatment with folk remedies

When planning to carry out herbal medicine, you need to take into account that estradiol cannot be adjusted with folk remedies. With the approval of a doctor and only subject to careful monitoring of your well-being, you can use a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, and calendula (marigold).

The recipe for preparing the infusion is standard: pour 3 tsp into a thermos. crushed raw materials (to choose from the options listed). Pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and consume 200 ml 4 times. in a day. The duration of the course is at least 10 days. The effect is a reduction in inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

Herbal treatment also helps in terms of douching. The solution must be prepared according to the proposed recipe. But make sure it is sufficiently cooled before use. Carry out douching 1 r. per day, preferably in the evening, before bedtime. The course is at least 10 days. The procedure is contraindicated in all cases of neoplasms of the reproductive system.

How to lower estrogen in a woman?

Non-drug treatment

Women who want to lower their estrogen levels should: Monitor the quality and quantity of their diet . Nutrition must be rational; diets that are not approved by your doctor are not allowed. It is important to eat fresh foods, vegetables and fruits. Fiber-rich foods can reduce estrogen.

Red fish is rich in vitamins and important chemicals that the body needs. Red fish contains OMEGA 3 , a substance that will improve the condition of not only hormonal levels, but also the entire body as a whole.

There are traditional methods that help reduce estrogen levels. For example, flax seeds not only help reduce the hormone, but also improve your overall condition. At the same time, the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Sage and sesame seeds have the same effect. Borovaya uterus is used to treat gynecological diseases among the people.

Red grapes, which contain chemical compounds that reduce the production of estrogen in a woman’s body. It is advisable to choose varieties with seeds. The presence of mushrooms in your diet will help reduce the synthesis of estrogen from androgens, thereby reducing the concentration of the female hormone . Green tea not only has a calming effect, but will also reduce estrogen levels due to the antioxidant substances contained in this drink.

Playing sports is an important factor in solving many problems, including increased estrogen. If you take time to exercise 15-30 minutes every day, it will help normalize hormonal levels.

In order to reduce or prevent an increase in estrogen levels, you need to follow simple rules:

  • eliminate, or at least reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • rational eating;
  • avoid soy products;
  • reduce the consumption of dairy products.

What happens to the woman?

Excessive amounts of the hormone cause pain in the breasts and nipples, in which case patients are often diagnosed with mastopathy. At the same time, the woman becomes overly emotional and experiences severe depression. With the arrival of critical days, my head hurts very much.

It is important for her to learn how to reduce estrogen levels.

The patient suffers from hair loss, forgetfulness and insomnia. There are also complaints of weakness and chronic fatigue. All symptoms are nonspecific; they occur in a number of other diseases, so it is very important to undergo examination by an experienced specialist who will prescribe certain instrumental and laboratory tests.

A woman with elevated estrogen levels and such symptoms must regularly donate blood to determine the dynamics of hormone levels. The analysis is taken from 5 to 7 and from 21 to 24 days of the cycle. In this case, the material should be taken early in the morning, on an empty stomach. The gynecologist examines such patients every three months. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is necessary once every six months.

How to reduce estrogen levels with medications?

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