How to increase estradiol levels in women using folk remedies?

The proper functioning of the endocrine system is necessary for the functioning of all organs, as hormones regulate vital processes. They are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, mood and general condition. Female hormones ensure a stable menstrual cycle and prepare the body for ovulation and pregnancy. It is important to monitor the level of hormones, since their deficiency or excess provoke the development of serious diseases.

Ways to increase

Hormonal disruptions have an external expression, and in parallel, dysfunction of the reproductive system occurs. If a low concentration of estradiol is recorded for a long time, you need to look for effective ways to increase it. It is important to consider that it is necessary not so much to increase the concentration of the substance as to normalize it. Both decreased and increased levels of the hormone have negative manifestations.

There are different ways to increase estradiol, all of them can be divided into groups:

  1. Increasing hormone levels naturally.
  2. Increasing the concentration of a substance using folk remedies.
  3. Hormonal therapy.
  4. Complex measures that increase the amount of substance.

The choice of any treatment method must be justified. For this purpose, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a series of studies:

  • take a blood test to determine the concentration of estradiol;
  • undergo a general examination of the body;
  • do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will make prescriptions.

When are medications prescribed?

If natural methods of regulating hormonal levels do not produce an effect, then estrogen preparations are prescribed for replacement therapy.

They are shown when:

  • chromosomal diseases;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus;
  • severe menopause and its complications - osteoporosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • removal of the uterus, appendages;
  • infertility, planning artificial insemination;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • early menopause, ovarian failure in diseases of the adrenal glands.

In therapy, pure estrogens are used (Estramon, Ovestin, Divigel), a combination with progesterone (Femoston, Angelique).

These remedies are effective, but they are strictly prohibited from being used without a gynecologist’s prescription. They have very serious contraindications and negative consequences. Therapy is monitored by blood tests and regular gynecological examinations and ultrasound.

And here is more information about tests for female hormones.

A decrease in estradiol in women can cause diseases of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries, and during pregnancy - impaired growth of the placenta. In men, the cause is the use of medications that suppress the formation of estrogen. Manifestations: hot flashes, instability of pressure, emotions, vaginal dryness. Long-term deficiency is dangerous, as the risk of obesity, diabetes, stroke, and heart attack increases.

To increase the level, diet, folk remedies, physiotherapy, vitamins, and dietary supplements are used. If there is a persistent decrease, medications are needed.

Increase naturally

Regulating hormone production naturally is the best option for a woman who has no pathologies in the structure and functioning of the reproductive system.

Speaking about natural ways to normalize hormone levels, among the top priorities is reviewing nutrition and creating the right diet. It is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and minimize the amount of fat. Focus on foods from which the body can obtain a sufficient amount of complete proteins and fiber. Plant foods are rich in phytoestrogens. Once in the body, they help increase the concentration of the female hormone. These products include:

  • legumes (soybeans, beans, lentils, peas);
  • flax-seed;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets, parsley and others);
  • fruits (apricots, melon, tangerines, grapes, raspberries and others).

There is no consensus on the absolute safety of natural phytoestrogens. Some sources emphasize the complete safety of products with a high content of phytoestrogens. Some note that they must be consumed in measured quantities, as they promote enhanced tissue growth. Women who have a predisposition to the appearance of tumors limit the amount of such products in their diet. In any case, the correct diet involves a limited amount of any food.

Complete sources of protein and at the same time products for normalizing the level of female hormones are beef, tuna, liver, and lactic acid products. Among carbohydrates, you should choose products made from whole grain flour and brown rice.

Coffee also contributes to increasing the concentration of estradiol. For this drink to bring maximum benefits, it must be natural, brewed without the use of bleached filters and in an amount of no more than 400 ml per day. It is important to note that people's sensitivity to caffeine varies. This substance is also found in other foods, such as tea and chocolate. The amount of caffeine depends on the type of coffee and how the coffee beans are processed.

A balanced diet is aimed not only at increasing the amount of the hormone, but also at stabilizing body weight. Excess weight negatively affects a woman’s hormonal background to the same extent as underweight. Hormone concentrations in both cases are far from normal.

In addition to nutrition, a woman must stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and be sure to plan feasible physical activity. The ideal option is an individual training program combined with proper nutrition. It takes into account the woman’s age, weight, and health status.

Yoga and Pilates are excellent alternative techniques for combating physical inactivity . In addition to strengthening physical health, these practices stabilize the emotional state, strengthen the nervous system, help withstand stress, and form a positive attitude towards life.

To normalize hormonal levels, it is necessary to establish full-fledged regular sexual relationships. The use of barrier methods of contraception in this case is extremely undesirable. This statement applies only to cases where sexual contact occurs with a regular partner.

To achieve an increase in estradiol levels, you must adhere to the described rules for about two months, after which repeat tests are performed. If natural methods of increasing the hormone do not produce results, you should add folk remedies to them

How to increase estradiol in men and women naturally

To increase estradiol in men, it is usually sufficient to discontinue drugs with steroids, which have an anti-estrogenic effect. The correct mode of physical activity is also important, you need to avoid excessive enthusiasm for power control.

In women, it is possible to naturally restore estradiol levels with a temporary deterioration in ovarian function (inflammation, stress, overwork). Proper nutrition and physical therapy are necessary as a background and when prescribing medications.


To increase the formation of female sex hormones you need:

  • reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates - give up sugar and white flour products;
  • eat protein - meat, fish, seafood, dairy products of moderate fat content;
  • include sources of healthy fat in your diet - yolk, nuts, vegetable and butter, avocado;
  • Eat fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits and berries, whole grain cereals every day, legumes and soy products are needed 3-4 times a week.

Nutrition should correspond to physical activity; excess and lack of calories disrupt hormonal levels. During menopause, it is better to replace meat with fish as much as possible.

Folk remedies: estrogen in herbs and foods

You can increase your hormonal levels using folk remedies by using plant analogues of estrogen (phytoestrogens) in herbs:

  • Red clover;
  • hop cones;
  • herb oregano, sage;
  • hog uterus;
  • black cohosh;
  • burdock root, licorice;
  • seeds of cumin, dill, fennel, flax, hemp.

For the growth of estrogen, it is recommended to collect from:

  • white acacia and calendula flowers - 20 g each;
  • burdock root – 20 g;
  • hawthorn and rose hip fruits – 10 g each;
  • oregano herbs – 10 g;
  • linden color – 10 g;
  • flax seeds – 10 g;
  • chokeberry – 10 g;
  • motherwort herbs – 10 g;
  • knotweed herbs – 10 g;
  • elecampane root – 10 g.

A teaspoon of the mixture is poured into 150 ml of water and left for 30 minutes in a sealed container. The strained infusion is drunk 50 ml half an hour before meals for 3 cycles.

Foods that are high in phytoestrogens include:

  • soybeans and cheese made from it - tofu, soy milk;
  • lentils;
  • chickpeas;
  • beer;
  • oats, pearl barley;
  • natural bean coffee;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • brown rice (unpeeled);
  • peanut;
  • apricots, dried apricots;
  • red grapes;
  • citrus;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli.


A beneficial effect of sanatorium-resort treatment for a lack of female sex hormones has been noted. To increase their level, the following procedures are effective:

  • baths with salt (sodium chloride, sulfide, sulfate), with an extract of medicinal mud (peloid);
  • back massage, reflexology;
  • endonasal electrophoresis of vitamin B1, electrosleep for delayed puberty and pituitary insufficiency;
  • laser therapy, magnetic therapy;
  • hydromassage, circular shower and Charcot;
  • dosed exposure to the sun;
  • aerotherapy – walking for at least 1.5 hours, air baths;
  • sea ​​bathing;
  • intake of mineral waters – carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide (Pyatigorsk, Matsesta, Morshyn).

Salt bath


To normalize the menstrual cycle with low estrogen levels, cyclic vitamin therapy is prescribed. In the first 12-14 days, a woman takes glutamic, lipoic and folic acid in combination with vitamin B1 and E. After ovulation, vitamin B6, E and ascorbic acid are used.

In case of delayed puberty, infertility, during menopause or preparation for pregnancy, the doctor may recommend:

  • vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) – 15 days, 200 mg;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 100-300 mg in the second half of the cycle;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) – 200-400 mg per day for 2-3 cycles;
  • vitamin D (cholecalciferol) – 400 IU for prevention and 800-1000 IU for treatment.

Dietary supplements

The following help increase the formation of estradiol and eliminate the consequences of its deficiency:

  • amino acid L-arginine – improves the growth of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium), vascular tone, carbohydrate metabolism;
  • zinc – participates in the formation of sex hormones in men and women;
  • iodine – necessary for insufficient thyroid function, in preparation for pregnancy;
  • phytoestrogens extracts – Klimadinon, Estrovel, Feminal, Inoclim, Onagris;
  • homeopathic remedies – Remens, Klimaktoplan, Klimakt Hel.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for stabilizing a woman’s hormonal levels, in particular for eliminating estradiol deficiency . It is necessary to use herbal decoctions and infusions at a certain phase of the cycle for the treatment to have an effect. Herbal remedies must be selected taking into account possible allergic reactions to substances that contain medicinal plants.

Effective medicinal plants that help increase hormone concentrations include:

  • sage, red clover;
  • plantain seeds, cuffs;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • twig fruits.

Aromatherapy is no less effective in increasing estradiol. For this purpose, it is recommended to use essential oils of anise, lavender, cypress, and sage.

Hormone therapy

Among the ways to increase estradiol levels, the use of medications is the most effective, but its use does not allow self-medication. Only a doctor must determine a hormonal drug that compensates for the deficiency of estradiol in a woman’s body. The patient must be informed about the medications she is taking at the time of treatment to avoid side effects and ensure the effectiveness of hormonal therapy.

Among drugs containing estradiol, Estradiol valerate and Estradiol dipropionate are widely used. The drugs are available in tablets and contain synthetic estradiol, which is an analogue of natural estradiol. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for estradiol deficiency, during premenopause, after surgery to remove the ovaries.

Other drugs that are prescribed to increase estradiol include Premarin, Hemafemin, Proginova and others. Based on laboratory tests, the doctor individually selects a treatment regimen, since hormonal therapy is designed to restore hormonal levels without disrupting the physiological mechanisms and relationships of humoral regulation. Vitamin and mineral complexes can be prescribed as additional restorative and therapeutic agents.

Low levels of estradiol negatively affect a woman's health . It can be increased in various ways. You should start with an examination and consultation with a doctor. Effective methods of increasing hormone levels include lifestyle modification, the use of medicinal plants, and hormonal therapy. The named treatment methods are used as separate treatment options, and can also be combined into a complex of therapeutic measures.

For the normal functioning of the female body, the correct balance of sex hormones is important. Estradiol is considered the leading one.

It is he who is responsible for the possibility of conception, prepares the uterus to receive a fertilized egg, and promotes bearing a child.

By regulating the production of other hormones, including androgens, estradiol gives the appearance characteristic feminine features - roundness of shape, softness of the skin, melodiousness of the voice.

With insufficient production of this hormone, various menstrual irregularities, miscarriage or complete infertility occur. There are several ways to increase estradiol in women: medicinal and additional.

None of the methods can be used independently without prior examination and consultation with a doctor.

Symptoms of estradiol deficiency

The lack of estradiol in a woman’s body is difficult to miss, since it is involved in many processes. The main symptoms of estradiol deficiency:

  • Menstrual irregularities. Menstruation comes with a long delay due to the effect of estradiol on ovulation. With a lack of hormone, the process of egg maturation slows down or stops completely.
  • Infertility. A woman fails to become pregnant, or the pregnancy is terminated early. This is possible with a thin layer of the endometrium, when the fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterus.
  • Decreased libido and decreased mucus production during intercourse.
  • The appearance of hair on the face and body. A lack of female sex hormone contributes to a decrease in secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Dry skin, early appearance of wrinkles.
  • Hair loss, brittle nails.
  • Irritability.
  • Weakness.
  • Sleep disturbance. Manifests itself in the form of drowsiness or insomnia.
  • The appearance of acne.

Symptoms of a low amount of estradiol are directly dependent on the gender of the person. For example, in men no external manifestations are observed. But in the female body the situation is the opposite.

In case of hormone deficiency in the fair sex, in addition to internal changes, external ones also occur. Among them:

  • earlier and too rapid skin aging;
  • hair loss;
  • significant disruptions in the reproductive system.

And if the first two conditions can be overcome with the help of cosmetics, then changing anything in the reproductive system is more difficult. First of all, such failures will be the main cause of instability of the menstrual cycle. The presence of pain in the mammary glands and changes in their shape can be considered as concomitant factors. In addition, changes in the vaginal environment are also possible.

The results of many medical studies have shown that among the reasons leading to a decrease in the level of female hormones may be:

  • intense and at the same time infrequent loads, which are combined with rapid weight loss;
  • wrong choice of diet;
  • side effects of certain medications.

Nutrition correction

A sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food, excess weight are factors that lead to hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body and, as a result, reduce the level of estradiol in the blood.

However, long-term use of strict diets, with restrictions on essential nutrients, adversely affects a woman’s hormonal background.

Sharp weight loss due to such diets is accompanied by skin changes, fragility and hair loss, decreased menstruation (oligomenorrhea), which indicates a decrease in estradiol production. In mild cases, returning to a healthy diet allows you to restore normal hormonal levels.


  • limit carbohydrate intake;
  • increase the amount of protein in food, both animal and plant origin;
  • enrich the diet with fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • eat foods rich in natural estrogens;
  • replenish the deficiency of individual minerals with the help of special vitamin complexes.

Natural substances that have an estrogen-like effect on the body include lignans, isoflavonoids and kumestrol. They are especially abundant in legumes: peas, lentils, corn, as well as flax seeds, parsley, pomegranate, citrus fruits and many grains.

But soy takes first place in terms of the amount of phytoestrogens; it not only helps restore estradiol levels, but also significantly reduces the risk of cancer.

It is estrogen that gives a woman's figure a feminine rounded outline. During pregnancy, the hormone estradiol ensures the growth of the uterus and ensures the normal condition of blood vessels.

Indications for the use of progesterone drugs are listed here.

We will talk about the effect of progesterone and estrogen on women's health in this material.

What does low hormone levels affect?

In addition to emotional manifestations and general malaise, a lack of estradiol also affects metabolic processes, the functioning of the circulatory system, and the condition of the bones. With a long-term decrease in hormones, the following occur:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus with signs of thirst, frequent and excessive urination, bouts of hunger;
  • osteoporosis - a decrease in bone mineral density, porosity, fractures due to minor trauma (typical places - vertebrae, neck, radius), often leading to disability;
  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased production of thyroid hormones, slowed metabolism;
  • increase in cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, progression of atherosclerosis, risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • rapid skin aging;
  • destruction of articular surfaces, making movement difficult;
  • deterioration in brain function; in the elderly, due to decreased blood flow, the likelihood of dementia (senile dementia), parkinsonism (hand tremors), and Alzheimer's disease increases.

Drugs to increase estradiol levels

Drug treatment of the disease involves the use of small replacement doses of the hormone to help maintain its normal level in the blood.

For this purpose, both monopreparations containing estradiol directly (Estriol, Estradiol valerate) and complex oral contraceptives (Presomen, Proginova, Divina) are used.

Various gels, ointments and vaginal suppositories containing estradiol are also widely used: Ovestin, Klimara, Estrogel.

Treatment with hormonal drugs is carried out only after a thorough gynecological and endocrinological examination. During therapy, monitoring of blood pressure, biochemical blood parameters, liver and pancreas function is mandatory. Taking drugs is contraindicated for thromboembolism, cirrhosis, heart attacks and strokes in history.

Self-treatment with these drugs without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited, since improper use or overdose leads to the development of severe side effects and irreversible changes in the body’s hormonal balance.

Common Causes of Low Estradiol

Low estradiol, regardless of gender, occurs with a lack of hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland due to:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • infections (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • pituitary tumor;
  • radiation therapy;
  • vascular diseases (reduced cerebral blood flow);
  • congenital developmental disorders.

Below normal indicators are found when:

  • chromosomal diseases;
  • the use of drugs that inhibit the production of hypothalamic hormones (for example, Zoladex), antitumor agents;
  • age-related decline in the activity of the sex glands;
  • malnutrition (strict diets, fasting);
  • exhaustion due to long-term illnesses;
  • avoidance of animal products;
  • increased physical activity (professional sports);
  • excess testosterone, prolactin, thyroid hormones;
  • severe liver damage (tumor, cirrhosis).

The level of the hormone is usually reduced in smokers, as well as in chronic alcoholism.

And here is more information about hormones in girls.

Folk remedies

Many women are afraid of traditional drug therapy because of possible side effects - increased body fat and weight gain, and resort to traditional medicine.

The use of herbs containing phytoestrogens helps increase estradiol levels and normalize hormonal balance, but cannot be used as the only method of treatment.

In complex therapy, as an addition to the main course, herbal treatment has proven itself very well.

We should not forget that traditional methods of treatment take a long time (for several months) and do not give a quick effect.

Raspberry leaves, plantain, sage, penny root, ginger, and red clover are used as raw materials for preparing infusions and herbal teas.

Flaxseeds, licorice, angelica, and boron uterus are rich in phytoestrogens. The herbs are poured with hot water (about 70 degrees) and infused for several hours in a thermos or in a water bath.

Taking such infusions and decoctions is completely safe even for people with normal hormone levels.

In addition, herbal teas contain flavonoids, vitamins and other biologically active substances that are beneficial to the body.

To improve the general condition of the body and strengthen the immune system, take tinctures of Rhodiola rosea, marina root, echinacea, and ginseng. It is believed that they also contribute to the healing and normalization of the sex glands. You should not abuse them, since the alcohol included in the composition can negatively affect the level of estradiol.

Despite the relative simplicity and safety of traditional methods, it is better to start treatment with herbs after determining the level of hormones in the blood and consulting a specialist.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account allergy history - the presence of contraindications and possible allergic reactions to herbs.

Bad habits

Smoking, alcohol abuse and other harmful substances significantly reduce the production of natural estrogen.

Even passive smoking or regular sleep in a smoky room has an adverse effect on the fragile endocrine system.

Therefore, to maintain the health of the body, it is necessary not only to give up a bad habit, but also to maintain home hygiene, regularly ventilate the apartment, spend more time in the fresh air, and take daily walks.

Alcohol doesn't just lower the level of the hormone in the blood. Its toxic effect on the cells of the genital organs leads to numerous mutations, tissue degeneration and irreversible impairment of reproductive function. The same thing happens under the influence of drugs.

Some occupational hazards and long-term use of certain medications adversely affect the production of estradiol.

The question of the dangers of drinking large quantities of coffee or strong tea remains controversial.

It is believed that coffee helps increase estrogen in the body, but due to improper processing of beans and the use of chemicals during storage and transportation, the drink may contain harmful substances.

Has your doctor prescribed a blood test for estradiol? When to take estradiol - a reminder for patients.

Read on to learn more about what impaired glucose tolerance is and how this deviation manifests itself.

In any case, it is not recommended to abuse strong tea and coffee.

A woman’s health is in her hands: proper nutrition, regular sex life, a healthy lifestyle, dosed physical activity and timely visits to the doctor will help preserve youth and beauty for many years.

What is estradiol?

Estradiol is a female hormone that is produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex. Estradiol is also present in the male body, but has virtually no effect on the functioning of male organs. In women, it is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, such as rounded shapes, a thin waist, delicate skin, and a pleasant timbre of the voice. The main task of estradiol is to prepare the reproductive system for conception.

The production of the hormone promotes the maturation of the egg and its detachment from the follicle; under the influence of estradiol, the fertilized egg easily attaches to the endometrium and begins its growth and development. Thanks to the hormone, the inner layer of the mucous surface of the uterus develops. During pregnancy, estradiol ensures normal blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is necessary to provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

Estradiol increases sexual desire during ovulation, which increases the possibility of conception, and normalizes the menstrual cycle. A woman’s mood, her emotional state, the health of her nails and hair depend on the production of estradiol.

The level of the hormone in the body is constantly changing. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the woman’s age, the phase of the menstrual cycle, taking any medications, pregnancy and bad habits.

Factors that cause estradiol levels to decrease are:

  • use of oral contraceptives,
  • hormonal imbalance caused by improper functioning of the endocrine system,
  • following a strict diet,
  • drinking alcohol, smoking,
  • stress,
  • obesity,
  • strong physical activity,
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases.

How can you increase estradiol levels?

There are two methods to increase this hormone, through medications and naturally. How to increase estradiol naturally? In women, this hormone can be increased by following some recommendations. These include:

  • refusal of medications that can reduce estrodiol levels (androgens, hormonal drugs);
  • regular sex life;
  • enriching the diet with protein foods, reducing the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • combating physical inactivity, dosed physical activity;
  • avoidance of stressful situations, overexertion.

The diet should focus on legumes, vegetable oils, and fiber. Phytoestrogens are found in vegetables and fruits, primarily beets, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, and dates. It is necessary to include foods rich in selenium and zinc in your diet. These are pumpkin, mushrooms, garlic, eggplant, sesame, seaweed. Foods containing high levels of phytoestrogen are absolutely safe for health. You also need to objectively assess your body mass index, since if you are underweight or overweight, hormone concentrations change.

Natural methods aimed at increasing estradiol in women also include aromatherapy. Essential oils that have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels are sage, cypress, lavender, and anise.

To combat physical inactivity, yoga and Pilates are well suited; in addition to the necessary physical activity, they calm you down and help fight stress. In addition, such practices teach proper breathing and psychological attitude.

Symptoms of decline

If hormonal deficiency appears during puberty, then the girl acquires a physique characteristic of boys - narrow hips, small breasts, long legs. Menstruation is late, scanty, painful, the cycle remains irregular for a long time. Lack of estrogen in young women is manifested by infrequent periods with minor discharge. If the hormone drops significantly, conception does not occur.

When estradiol is reduced to critical levels (administration of drugs that block ovarian functions, removal of them in case of a tumor, menopause), then women experience:

  • sweating, hot flashes alternating with chills;
  • headache;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • heart pain, rapid heartbeat;
  • attacks of difficulty breathing, lack of air;
  • numbness of hands, feet, tingling sensations;
  • mood swings, nervousness, tearfulness, depression, obsessive thoughts;
  • insomnia and daytime sleepiness;
  • forgetfulness, absent-mindedness;
  • decreased tolerance to physical and mental stress, low performance;
  • weakening of the pelvic floor muscles - prolapse of the uterus, prolapse of the vaginal wall;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system - pain during sexual intercourse, urination, urinary incontinence, itching and burning in the perineum;
  • brittle nails, hair loss, wrinkles on the skin, sagging facial contours;
  • increased appetite, weight gain;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • decreased sexual desire.

Folk remedies to increase estradiol levels

Herbal medicine will help adjust the level of female hormones. For this purpose, many plants and their combinations are used. The most effective include:

  • raspberry leaves;
  • twig fruits;
  • plantain seeds;
  • sage;
  • Red clover;
  • mantle seeds.

The complex of plantain seeds and mantle is poured with hot water and infused for an hour, after which the resulting infusion is drunk in portions throughout the day.

To prepare an infusion of twig fruits, you need to take a tablespoon of the dry substance and pour a glass of boiling water, then drink in small portions throughout the day.

Raspberry leaves should be kept in a steam bath for about an hour, drinking a tablespoon before each meal. A similar manipulation is done with sage and red clover, only the component changes.

The most important point in treatment with plants is the initial consultation with a herbalist, since only he will be able to correctly select a method of herbal treatment, based on individual characteristics and the primary concentration of estradiol. In addition, herbal medicine is not recommended during menstruation, due to the risks of increased bleeding and the appearance of an inflammatory process.

The influence of female hormones on the body

Estradiol is especially important during the formation of sexual characteristics; it is necessary for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the distribution of fat in women. There are symptoms that may suggest insufficient estradiol levels. These signs include:

  • delayed physiological development;
  • delayed menstruation up to amenorrhea, constant disruptions in the cycle;
  • involution of the uterus;
  • reduction of mammary glands not related to weight loss;
  • frequent mood swings, irritability;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • sleep inversion;
  • decreased ability to work, memory impairment;
  • acne;
  • early manifestations of aging.

Low hormone levels can only be diagnosed by a doctor through examination, medical history and laboratory tests.

In addition to lifestyle modifications, you can resort to drug replacement therapy. For this purpose, tocopherol, proginova, premarin and hemafemin are used. Homeopathic remedies are also used as adjuvant therapy.

During the treatment period, medications containing androgens and other hormonal drugs are excluded. Drug therapy can be supplemented with herbal medicine, but after consultation with an endocrinologist or gynecologist. During menstruation, herbal treatment is excluded.

Why there may be low estradiol during pregnancy

Low estradiol during pregnancy is a sign of insufficient formation of the placenta; sometimes its drop means a threat of miscarriage. In the first months, the hormone is produced by the ovaries, and then it is produced by placental cells. Estradiol in the early stages is responsible for:

  • growth and development of blood vessels that provide nutrition to the fetus;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands and the opening of additional milk ducts;
  • emotions - when there is a shortage, irritability, tearfulness, and depression appear.

During pregnancy, the level of estradiol increases almost 100 times, it is maximum before childbirth. During this period, under his influence:

  • the neck softens;
  • the uterine response to oxytocin increases (stimulates labor);
  • blood clotting is enhanced to prevent blood loss.


As a rule, estradiol levels can be increased through nutrition, dosed physical activity, and regular sex. Modifying your lifestyle has a beneficial effect on the entire body. In addition to enriching the diet with necessary products, you can use complexes of vitamins and minerals. In addition, correctly selected homeopathic medicines are able to increase hormones to the desired level. If the level of estradiol is elevated, then similar adjustments are made aimed at changing lifestyle and eating habits. Women experience hormonal imbalances more often than men, so it is necessary to monitor the state of your hormonal levels and overall health.

The female hormone estrogen is necessary for the normal functioning of the genital organs. An insufficient amount of it leads to underdevelopment of the reproductive system and, as a consequence, problems associated with conceiving and bearing a child. After taking the test and confirming the pathology, the natural question arises of how to raise the hormone level to normal. Modern medicine offers many drugs that successfully combat this deficiency. In addition, it is possible to increase estrogen using folk remedies.

Products useful for the female body

Proper nutrition is the key to health and the absence of pathological problems. Normalizing your diet will help restore disrupted hormonal levels. How to increase estrogen with folk remedies using a healthy and healthy menu?

A woman’s diet must include the following products:

  • Legumes include lentils, fresh and canned peas, as well as beans and beans. Porridges are prepared from legumes and used as an additive to salads, first and second courses. Important! Women suffering from digestive tract disorders (tendency to flatulence, gastrointestinal diseases) should not overuse legumes.
  • Vegetables – red tomatoes, pumpkin. It is advisable to consume vegetables fresh. In the winter season, vegetables are subjected to heat treatment - pumpkin is added to porridge, compotes and jam are prepared, tomatoes are added to first courses.
  • Fruits. Absolutely all fruits are beneficial for the female body (with the exception of fruits that provoke the development of allergies). Pomegranates, dates, strawberries, and all varieties of citrus fruits help increase the composition of the hormone.
  • Greenery. All year round, a woman’s menu should include fresh greens. To normalize hormonal balance, spinach, iodized lettuce, and parsley are especially useful.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products. Daily consumption of cottage cheese (kefir, yogurt, whole milk, yogurt, etc.) helps strengthen the skeletal system, normalize the reproductive and nervous systems.
  • Flaxseed oil – the properties of the product are listed below.
  • Nuts. To increase estrogen levels, it is recommended to include the following types of nuts in the diet - hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, cashews.
  • Dietary meat. It is not recommended to include varieties of red meat in women’s menus, as they stimulate the production of “male” hormones in the body. To regulate estrogen levels, it is necessary to create a menu containing rabbit, chicken, and turkey meat.

Dried apricots, green tea, sesame seeds, and hard cheese help increase estrogen in women.

A nutritionist will help you create a diet menu that helps restore hormonal balance.

Drug therapy

An insufficient amount of estrogen is determined by a blood test for the content of this hormone. The analysis is recommended for women suffering from regular disorders of the digestive system, poor condition of the skin and nails, difficult and irregular periods, psycho-emotional problems, and prolonged depression.

A reduced level of estrogen will be inevitable during menopause, when symptoms such as hot flashes, frequent dizziness, general weakness, deterioration of memory and performance are present.

The opinion that a deficiency of the female hormone that occurs due to suppression of ovarian function is inevitable is erroneous. You can avoid problems associated with hormonal imbalances by regularly taking estrogen-boosting medications.

The forms of release of hormonal drugs are varied: tablets, injections, patches. The most common means used are Diane-35 and Triziston. It should be noted that the prescription of a dosage regimen should only be made by the attending endocrinologist, taking into account age, reasons for the decrease in hormone levels, and the individual characteristics of the patient. It is also strictly prohibited to arbitrarily change the duration of therapy or increase the dosage. Uncontrolled use leads to weight gain and the risk of developing thrombosis.


It is a synthetically developed substitute for vitamin E. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it helps to increase sexual activity, stamina and energy, and eliminate the negative manifestations of menopause. It is used in complex treatment together with hormonal drugs that increase estrogen in the body. Recommended if there is a threat of miscarriage. The ability of the active substance to restore natural collagen production has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails.

Tocopherol rarely causes negative effects or allergic reactions. Sometimes minor abdominal pain and digestive disorders are noted. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with heart pathologies and diabetes mellitus.


Contains horse estrogens of natural origin. It is prescribed to eliminate symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency, to prevent osteoporosis, and to normalize the general condition after surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries.

In some cases, Premarin can cause side effects: headache, tachycardia, pain in the mammary glands, urticaria, nausea. Fluctuations in body weight and blurred vision are possible.

Contraindications are malignant neoplasms, bleeding of unknown origin, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, as well as individual intolerance to the drug.


Contains estrogen - estradiol valerate. It restores the required amount, reduces the risk of bone fractures and the development of cardiovascular diseases during menopause. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, slowing down the process of wrinkle formation.

However, a number of contraindications to prescribing the drug should be taken into account:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • cancer or precancerous conditions;
  • severe kidney damage;
  • thrombosis;
  • lactose intolerance, sensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • age up to 18 years.

Women with a non-removed uterus need a complex reception of Proginov together with gestagen. It is prescribed with caution to patients with fibroids, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, chloasma, and lupus erythematosus.

Menstruating women should start taking the drug in the first five days of the cycle. For irregular periods and postmenopausal women, you can start taking it any day. Patients over 60-65 years of age require additional monitoring, since at this age this therapy increases the risk of side effects (renal dysfunction, dementia).


The active ingredient is spironolactone. It has effects similar to a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It has a strong diuretic effect, eliminates signs of hyperandrogenism (excess of the male hormone testosterone in the body).

Veroshpiron is prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle, irregularities in its regularity;
  • appearance of male pattern hair;
  • skin problems (rashes, increased oiliness, premature wrinkles);
  • excessive hair loss (female alopecia).

The drug can cause negative reactions in the body, such as nausea, itchy skin, constipation, depressed mood, and lethargy. It is not prescribed for renal failure, during pregnancy and lactation, or in childhood. During treatment, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or eat foods rich in potassium (bananas, apricots, oranges, grapefruits).


The pantohematogen contained in the composition from the blood of female deer helps to effectively increase the production of estrogen in women. Vitamins E and C improve the functioning of the ovaries, which is manifested in the elimination of vaginal dryness, hot flashes, headaches, and surges in blood pressure.

The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, increased blood clotting, thrombosis, or individual intolerance to its components.

Causes of low estradiol levels in women

Low estradiol in a woman occurs during menopause, and at a young age it is caused by insufficient ovarian function.

During the climatic period

After 40 years, women begin to decrease the production of sex hormones in the ovaries. Over the course of about 10 years, estrogen levels drop to a minimum. This affects the psychological state, metabolism is disrupted, the condition of the skin and heart function worsens, and bone tissue is destroyed. A year after the cessation of menstruation, the level of the hormone becomes almost the same as in men.

Before menopause

In addition to central mechanisms (diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus), a decrease in estradiol is caused by:

  • chronic inflammation of the ovaries;
  • autoimmune diseases (antibodies are formed against follicles): thyroiditis, thrombocytopenia, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis;
  • viral infections - influenza, rubella, herpes;
  • diabetes;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • injuries and operations on the pelvic organs.

A decrease in the indicator in the follicular phase of the cycle - before ovulation - has diagnostic significance. Normally, levels in women of childbearing age should not be less than 70 pmol/l.

Increasing estrogen levels with folk remedies

There are a large number of folk recipes that help restore hormonal balance. Traditional medicine methods include the use of various herbs high in vitamins. The most valuable of these is vitamin E, which stimulates the production of estrogen by the ovaries. Also, foods rich in vitamins B, C, P, and K are of great benefit.

Decoctions prepared according to the following recipes will help normalize hormonal levels:

  1. A decoction of raspberry leaves. The leaves of the plant ensure normalization of the amount of estrogen, saturate the body with vitamin E, and help strengthen the immune system. You can add some crushed mint leaves to the broth. It is taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle twice a day: in the morning and before bed.
  2. Decoction of hop cones. The cones are washed, filled with water, placed on low heat and the decoction is prepared for 20-30 minutes. After cooling, take half a glass several times a day after each meal.
  3. Decoction of lemon balm and rose hips. Rose hips are a source of vitamin C, and lemon balm helps eliminate the symptoms of menopause, normalize hormonal levels and relieve stress. The fruits and dried lemon balm are mixed in equal proportions, poured with water, and kept on low heat for 40 minutes. Drink twice a day instead of tea.
  4. A decoction of nettle leaves. For this recipe, take leaves of a young plant collected in the spring. Nettle normalizes the menstrual cycle and eliminates inflammation of the female genital organs. The crushed leaves are poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes, covering the vessel with a lid. The broth is filtered, allowed to cool and taken twice a day.

Medicinal herbs that increase the level of estrogen in the blood include red clover, hibiscus (hibiscus), and red brush. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They cannot be combined with the use of contraceptives and other drugs to normalize hormonal levels, since it is difficult to predict the consequences of such an interaction. As a rule, the course of treatment is at least three months. Despite the fact that herbal remedies are well tolerated and quite effective in treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary before using them.

Useful video

Watch the video about female sex hormones:

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Healthy diet

In addition to hormonal therapy and folk remedies, you can increase estrogen naturally by following the right diet. Let's look at what foods increase the amount of female hormone in the body.

  • Soya beans

The plant belongs to the pea family and is a source of protein and phytoestrogens. You can consume various soy products: milk, butter, soy sauce. They lower cholesterol levels and improve ovarian function. However, only natural soy products have such healing properties. Given the fact that most commercial soy products are genetically modified, such treatment is not always available.

  • Linseed oil

Flax is deservedly considered a leader in the amount of phytoestrogens. Eating flax helps cleanse the body, eliminate inflammatory processes, and prevent the development of tumors. Flaxseed oil is taken before meals three times a day, a teaspoon.

  • Coffee

A popular and beloved drink by many, it is also useful for increasing estrogen levels. It should be noted that only natural coffee has such healing properties. The soluble version will not bring any benefit. It is advisable to drink coffee without sugar, or reduce its amount to a minimum. The most optimal amount of drink is two cups per day.

Other foods that increase estrogen:

  • legumes (dishes made from beans, lentils, peas);
  • lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit);
  • hard cheeses;
  • milk and dairy products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese);
  • nuts;
  • fruits and berries (apples, pears, plums, oranges, black and red currants);
  • vegetables and spices (celery, cabbage, carrots, parsley, fennel, tomatoes, eggplant, peas, pumpkin, black cumin);
  • green tea;
  • egg yolks;
  • sesame and olive oils;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood.

At the same time, you should reduce the consumption of dishes prepared with fatty meat (pork, lamb), sweet and butter products, red grapes, and alcoholic beverages.

Other recommendations

To increase estrogen levels, doctors usually advise adhering to the following rules:

  • completely stop smoking, tobacco is especially harmful when taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • exercise regularly (aerobics, yoga, Pilates);
  • use aromatherapy - take baths with the addition of lavender, sage, cypress, anise, fennel oils;
  • have regular sex life;
  • avoid stressful situations and overwork;
  • do not resort to exhausting diets that lead to sudden weight loss and deterioration of well-being;
  • minimize the consumption of sugar and sweet foods;
  • Regularly visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist, get tested for the level of estrogen in the body.

Normalizing hormonal levels, in particular the level of estrogen, will contribute not only to the harmonious health of women, but also to her good mood and confidence in her attractiveness.


In ancient times, women used aromatic plants to eliminate sexual problems. To prepare “healing” aromas, decoctions were prepared, and then women breathed in their vapors, charging the body with vigor and health. In modern times, aromatherapy, based on the use of essential oil vapors, is used for the treatment and prevention of many female diseases.

How to increase estrogen using folk remedies using aromatherapy?

There is a relationship between reproductive and olfactory function. Aromatherapy is effectively used to increase estrogen levels in the female body, to normalize sexual function, and to prevent discomfort during menopause.

Doctors recommend combining aromatherapy with basic treatment methods if a woman suffers from hot flashes, mood swings, depression, nervous disorders, insomnia, and excessive sweating.

To increase estrogen levels, it is recommended to use essential oils of the following herbs:

  • Rose, geranium – restoration of hormonal levels;
  • Bergamot, orange – elimination of depression, nervous disorders, sudden mood swings;
  • Lavender – prevention of insomnia;
  • Mint – normalization of the emotional background;
  • Ylang-ylang – mood stabilization;
  • Rose geranium, neroli – formation of hormone balance;
  • Sage, birch, dill - active increase in estrogen;
  • Anise, cloves, marjoram - hormone production, restoration of hormonal balance, infertility therapy, restoration of the functionality of the endocrine system.

Modern medicine suggests using aromatherapy to increase estrogen levels in several ways:

  1. Massage. Heat essential oil (2-3 tablespoons) in a steam bath. Rub essential oil in small portions with light circular movements into the surface of the abdomen, back, thighs, and arms.
  2. Baths. Pour warm water into the bath, carefully pour in 1 tbsp. l. selected essential oil, mix everything thoroughly. Take a therapeutic bath for no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Oil burner. Add a few drops of essential oil to the aroma lamp. Turn on the device. Inhale healing aromas for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Skin care. If the skin suffers from estrogen deficiency (the skin becomes flabby, flaccid, and wrinkles appear on it), then essential oils are used as a cream. To moisturize the skin, you need to take a small amount of essential oil. Rubbing is done with light finger movements into the problem area of ​​the body.

It is possible to effectively increase estrogen in the female body without prescribing hormonal drugs. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the body. If initial signs of acute deficiency of the “female” hormone appear, you should immediately contact a therapist or gynecologist. The specialist will individually refer the woman for examination to specialists and recommend the most gentle treatment method, which will include the use of folk remedies.

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