≡ Home → Endometrium → Endometriosis → Norkolut is a hormonal drug from the group of gestagens.
Women are often recommended to use Depantol during pregnancy. The product belongs to the category of combined and is effective
The most reliable harbingers Finding out that your period is starting soon is quite easy if you know a few special
What can a cytology test show? It characterizes the morphological structure of cell elements in the preparation,
It is very difficult to find an event in people's lives that could compare with the first
Pimafucin (generic name Natamycin) is a polyene antibacterial agent from the macrolide group. It is an active fungicide.
Cervical biopsy is one of the effective methods for diagnosing cervical cancer.
Photo: UGC The issue of female fertility is one of the most pressing in the modern world. Some
The menstrual cycle accompanies a woman who is capable of producing offspring throughout almost her entire life: from menarche
Dear friends, good day! Today we will continue the women's theme started last time,