The reproductive system is a rather complex mechanism. Sometimes it is very difficult to notice symptoms that require treatment in a timely manner.
Uterine bleeding is any discharge of blood from the uterus that is not associated with the menstrual cycle. They
An unwanted pregnancy is always not a joy and is always a burden: after all, a woman will have to
Menopause is a time of radical restructuring of the entire female body. Long periods may occur
An unusual, reusable replacement for tampons and pads during your period is the menstrual cup. Hygienic
Pain during menstruation has a negative impact on both physical and mental well-being
Cystitis is a serious illness with unpleasant and painful symptoms. In all cases, select
Ligamentous apparatus of the uterus This is a pathology. Often, along with the ligaments, a part enters the groin area
How many days is a delay during pregnancy? Any girl needs to know how many days a delay indicates
Etiology of endocervicitis According to the current international classification of diseases, it is customary to divide into three groups of etiological factors influencing