High basal temperature in the first phase of the menstrual cycle
Measuring basal temperature is often used by women as a method of determining the date of ovulation in order to choose
Why does an ovarian cyst appear in a teenage girl?
Cysts on the internal genital organs are often found in women of reproductive age. This neoplasm has
Photo: What is uterine endometritis
Exacerbation of chronic endometritis. Symptoms of endometritis
A pathological condition such as endometritis can often lead to a diagnosis of infertility.
Recovery after removal of a cervical canal polyp
After cervical polyp surgery After surgery, most women gradually return to normal
Is it possible to visit a solarium during menstruation and sunbathe?
What is the harm of a solarium during menstruation? During menstruation in all women
Retroflexion of the uterus: causes, signs, consequences and possible treatment
The uterus is the main female reproductive organ that performs reproductive functions and is intended for bearing a fetus.
Beta-alanine - effects for women, uses and side effects
What is this? This element is a naturally occurring amino acid that is part of many proteins.
Is it possible to get a tattoo during your period? Can tattooing have negative consequences?
Tattoo during menstruation The process of applying a tattoo can hardly be called a surgical intervention in the body,
pregnancy and chest pain
Breast pain and delay - symptoms of pregnancy and pathologies
Pain in the chest that appears during a delay often goes away from the first day of menstruation. If
Reduced ovarian reserve at the genetic level
Functional tests determining ovarian reserve
Many modern women postpone having a child due to education and career growth in confidence,
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