Malnutrition of the myomatous node during pregnancy, treatment
Types of myomatous node necrosis Types of myomatous node necrosis are distinguished by morphological characteristics. Coagulation (dry)
The hormone estrogen in women. Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth.
Herbs and foods with estrogen. Table, list, how to use, recipes for decoctions
The hormone estrogen in women. Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth. A woman always wants
Shepherd's purse: an indispensable weed for bleeding.
Use of shepherd's purse in gynecology For the treatment of irregular menstruation, heavy discharge during menstruation and
Spazgan can be taken during menstruation for abdominal pain
Menstruation is a regular process in which a woman sheds the endometrium and its
Infertility 1st degree - primary infertility
1st degree infertility in women and men: causes and treatment What does the diagnosis of infertility mean?
What happens to hCG during an ectopic pregnancy: how does it grow and how does the level differ in the early stages?
Pregnancy can be considered successful from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium
Thrush in teenagers
What is thrush and why does it occur in teenagers?
The main cause of childhood candidiasis is unformed or low immunity. In the first case they suffer
Is pregnancy possible during menopause? What is it?
Ectopic pregnancy during menopause signs
When possible The female body retains the ability to conceive while growth occurs
The cervical canal is closed during menopause, what does this mean?
What does a closed cervical canal mean? Often, the cervix is ​​also understood as the cervical canal. IN
The intrauterine septum and its effect on the possibility of conception, bearing a child and childbirth - all about diseases of the genital area, their diagnosis, operations, problems of infertility and pregnancy on
Reasons for the formation of a septum in the uterus, the likelihood of pregnancy and consequences for the mother and baby
Neither laparoscopy nor hysteroscopy is performed routinely or at the pregnancy planning stage without sufficient
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