Classification of lung adenocarcinoma. All types and forms of adenocarcinoma
Oncological diseases are the second leading cause of death in the world, second only to cardiovascular pathology. Defeat
Causes of unpleasant odor during and after menstruation
After menstruation, an unpleasant odor appeared in the intimate area
An important sign indicating problems in the female body is an unpleasant odor after menstruation.
How to take duphaston for uterine fibroids and its effect on the body
Duphaston for uterine fibroids, reviews of those taking the drug
What is Duphaston? Dydrogesterone, the main active ingredient of the drug, which has the trade name Duphaston, is a derivative
nodular formations of the mammary glands
Focal breast formation on ultrasound: causes, how to treat
Every year, diseases of the mammary glands in women are only becoming more frequent. It could be a cyst
Uterine tone without pregnancy? Could this be possible?
The uterus is an organ made up of muscles. In a calm, balanced state, the muscles are relaxed, the uterus
What does clear discharge mean during pregnancy? Causes, diagnosis, hygiene rules
Pregnancy 4 weeks - fetal development The forming amnion then gradually transforms into the amniotic sac
24-hour urine analysis during pregnancy
Types of proteinuria Under some circumstances, a pregnant woman may have enough protein in her urine to
Why does the uterus hurt after menstruation, before and during menstruation?
Uterus during menstruation Quite naturally, most women are interested in how to determine the condition of their
the smell of stench
Causes of purulent discharge with odor in women
Menstrual days are always a discomfort for the fair sex. Even with normal flow, with
Climax therapy: an indispensable first aid kit for women of elegant age.
Translated from Greek, the word “climax” means “stairs”. Doctors use this term to define the physiological period
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