Pain in the lower abdomen due to thrush
Why does chronic thrush cause pain in the lower abdomen?
Based on statistical data, almost every woman experiences thrush. But, the pain of thrush
What time to take Yarina. Birth control pills Yarina Plus - what effect they have and how to take them
Pharmacological action Yarin is a combined oral contraceptive with ethinyl estradiol and the progestogen drospirenone. Contraceptive effect
Why do you want to go to the toilet during your period and it hurts?
Menstruation is a component of the reproductive function of the female body. Frequent urination before menstruation is a common complaint.
The effect of folic acid during menopause and how to drink it correctly
Folic acid for menopause, application
During menopause, hormonal changes occur in the body of every woman. Reproductive functions fade away, characteristic symptoms arise
Classification of lumps in the mammary gland and their danger
The appearance of nodules in the breast can be a cause for concern. How to understand why a knot formed
Inflammation of the labia during pregnancy treatment
For those who are going to become a mother, it is important to know that during a certain period of pregnancy they hurt
Dry vagina: why it’s dry during sex, what to do during intercourse
Any problems in sex, one way or another, affect the relationship between a man and a woman.
What can you use instead of lubricant: home remedies
The modern rhythm of life, stress, psychological overload and the desire to be on time everywhere - all this, of course,
The effect of progesterone on the transformation of the endometrium in the luteal phase
The secret of the effectiveness of the drug Utrozhestan in the treatment of endometriosis
Date of publication: 06/23/2017 Among gynecological problems, endometriosis is a fairly common disease. Developed and used
Pipelle endometrial biopsy
Pipelle endometrial biopsy: what it is, on what day it is done, features of the procedure.
Pipelle endometrial biopsy is the removal of a small fragment of the mucous membrane from the uterine cavity for subsequent
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