Is it possible to get pregnant if you don't have periods?
What is the likelihood of pregnancy during menopause?
Menstruation is a clear indication of the proper functioning of the female body. Ideally, if menstrual bleeding is observed,
Low blood pressure before menstruation causes
Blood pressure fluctuates during menstruation due to a significant change in the amount of hormonal substances in a woman. At
Why do I have thick, dark periods?
Prevention of the condition As a preventative measure, it is recommended to: maintain personal hygiene; use contraception during sex
Enlarged ovary in women: what does it mean, causes, symptoms, treatment methods
Can the ovaries be enlarged before menstruation?
Sometimes, during a routine ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in women, enlarged
How to use Regulon for endometriosis
Regulon is one of the most hormonal drugs that are used for the growth of the outer walls of the endometrium.
holding a heating pad to his stomach
Can your stomach hurt before your period? How many days does your stomach hurt before your period?
Discomfort in the lower abdomen during menstruation is a common condition for women during this period. More often
Correct withdrawal of hormonal contraceptives and possible complications after
Hormonal contraceptives are used by many modern girls to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, as well as for
The use of laser therapy in gynecology for infertility, painful menstruation, endometriosis, erosion
Lasers, originally created for industrial purposes, have long been used to treat many serious diseases.
Primary hypomenorrhea
Menses are translucent. Causes of light or scarlet blood during menstruation
Physiological characteristics Representatives of the fairer sex who have identified this in themselves also feel abdominal pain and swelling
Basal temperature after conception
Why is BT growing? (+graphs: ovulation, conception, menstruation!)
Measuring the temperature curve helps when planning pregnancy to calculate the most favorable days and serves as an indicative sign
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