Reviews from gynecologists about Chinese phytotampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point
A new fashionable way of cleansing the body has appeared, as well as a new method of treating gynecological diseases. Last thing
Intrauterine contraceptive Juno Bio-T Ag Intrauterine device Simurg Juno Bio-T Ag
The intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most reliable methods of contraception. Most often it is used
How is a gynecologist examined during menstruation?
A woman’s life and well-being are tied to the menstrual cycle - it often determines
Utrozhestan to induce menstruation: how to take when menstruation arrives?
When menstruation is delayed, Utrozhestan is taken to restore hormonal levels if the cause of the cycle disruption is insufficient
Viferon for thrush: properties, features of use and benefits
Thrush... Once you get rid of it, you might think that everything is behind you. And only you sighed
protection against STDs: venereologist
What sexually transmitted diseases does a condom protect against?
Protecting yourself from STDs helps you avoid sexually transmitted diseases. It should be carried out in advance, even before sexual intercourse.
Acupuncture for infertility: how is acupuncture treatment performed in women, how long does the session last and is there any result?
Acupuncture for infertility. The whole truth about acupuncture In our modern world lately
Symptoms of blood changes in diseases of the hematopoietic organs
The blood turns red due to... Why is blood red
What about blue blood? What about people of aristocratic origin, the so-called personalities
How can you increase the level of estradiol in a woman’s body: what foods contain it?
How to increase estradiol levels in women using folk remedies?
The proper functioning of the endocrine system is necessary for the functioning of all organs, since hormones regulate vital
Transparent discharge from the vagina like snot and pain in the lower abdomen
When the lower abdomen hurts and discharge occurs Occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen and various discharges
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