How does radio wave treatment of cervical erosion occur: advantages and disadvantages of the method and reviews from women
The most common disease of the female reproductive system, which is associated with disruption of normal microflora, is
Why is the ovary not visible on ultrasound?
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs does not visualize the left ovary
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs does not visualize the left ovary. Ultrasound diagnostics of the ovaries makes it possible to quickly
ESR during menstruation in women
Increase in red blood cells before menstruation
During menstruation, almost all clinical blood parameters change. Sharp fluctuations are possible as in
Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy, ultrasound
Treatment of luteal body cyst in the ovary during pregnancy
A benign tumor of the corpus luteum, a luteal tumor, is an anomaly that develops during
How to use geneferon suppositories during menstruation
Is it possible to use Genferon suppositories during menstruation Genferon is a medicine that is used
Periods after unsuccessful IVF
When does menstruation occur after follicular puncture?
Transvaginal puncture of ovarian follicles (TVP) is required in order to obtain the required number of healthy eggs
It is important! Everything you need to know about mammography (part 1)
— Advertising — Mammography – visualization of the structure of breast tissue using X-rays.
Pain in the lower abdomen at 37 weeks of pregnancy: 4 tips to relieve the pain
In the last weeks of pregnancy, all expectant mothers are accompanied by feelings of anxiety and various
Limitations of sexual life: is it possible to have sex with uterine fibroids?
What causes the disease? Uterine fibroids are most often observed in women of reproductive age.
leech on the palm
Hirudotherapy for uterine fibroids where to place
Neoplasms in the uterine cavity are diagnosed in almost every 2nd female representative. Mostly
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