Is pregnancy possible after stopping the drug Yarina? Effect of the drug and possible risks
Yarina belongs to monophasic (all tablets have the same composition) combined (contain two types of sexual
What physical procedures are contraindicated for uterine fibroids?
Briefly about the formation and causes of fibroid development. Under the influence of ovarian hormones, fibroids appear in the myometrium.
From embryo to fetus
Why does the lower abdomen hurt after ovulation? Causes and symptoms
Symptoms of conception before delay Frequent urination. The uterus, which has slightly increased in size, begins to put pressure on
Changes in hormonal levels during a normal menstrual cycle
Brown discharge due to ovarian cyst
The appearance of a cyst is possible at any age. Such a neoplasm may not bother the woman at all at first,
cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current
What is cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current and what its consequences may be + reviews from women
The attitude of doctors towards cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current changes every year. Several Yet
Delayed menstruation stretches the lower abdomen and lower back
Reasons for breast pain and missed periods
Breast pain and delay are common symptoms that occur during pregnancy. There are other reasons
Blood from the nipple - causes, diagnosis and treatment
Both women and men can bleed from the nipple. And weak
How to treat frequent urination during menopause
The decline of hormonal function during menopause affects not only the reproductive system. In reality there is a shortage
Epithelium without atypia what does this mean?
Squamous cell atypia of undetermined significance asc us
CYTOLOGY smear is a method for microscopic examination of the cervical epithelium for the purpose of prevention and early
Discharge from uterine fibroids
Myoma: tumor removal surgery and rehabilitation period
Modern rhythm, ecology and other various factors have shown a dynamic increase in gynecological diseases among women.
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