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Home » Health » How to insert a tampon correctly during menstruation

Tampons are a lifesaver for women. At the pool, on an important date or going out, you don’t want to worry about whether your underwear is dirty during your period.

Is advertising lying about the reliability of hygiene products? Read how to use tampons correctly.

What types of tampons are there?

More often, such hygiene products are not used on the first day of menstruation. When the discharge decreases, cotton protectors are an ideal and convenient option.

Do not violate the rules of personal hygiene; change tampons once every few hours.

Important! Night products retain moisture inside for up to 8 hours.

Check out the types in the table:

MiniThey have a small size and diameter, suitable for use by virgins
NormalFor young nulliparous girls who have scanty menstrual flow
SuperRetains more moisture than normal, suitable for women after childbirth
Super plusProducts for women whose menstruation lasts a long time and with a lot of discharge

At what age can girls use cosmetics?

Almost all girls in childhood try to paint their lips with their mother’s lipstick, wear high-heeled shoes and smear their faces with eye shadow and blush. And imperceptibly, playing “mom” develops into a desire to possess one’s own treasures in the form of cosmetics. Girls dream of looking feminine and beautiful, and most importantly, like an adult. And requests begin to buy them mascara, paint their nails or hair, etc. Should little fashionistas be allowed or prohibited from all this?

The editors of Tlum.Ru studied the opinions of doctors and cosmetologists, as well as parents’ arguments for and against cosmetics at an early age and found out the optimal age to start using “all these things.”

Mom, I want lipstick like yours!

Cosmetics can be very different, so doctors and cosmetologists advise you to be very careful when choosing them. It’s even better to make an appointment with a dermatologist, who will tell you exactly which brands your baby can use. All experts agree that hygienic lipstick and baby cream are harmless, but otherwise you need to look at the composition and manufacturer and listen to your doctor’s advice.

But “on average in the hospital,” girls are recommended to start using colorless gloss and mascara in everyday life (for example, at school) no earlier than 12.


Heavier cosmetics such as lipstick, foundation and eye shadow should be postponed until 14-16 years of age, as they can harm the body if applied constantly.

At the same time, you can allow your baby to wear makeup for the holidays, if she wants, even from a very early age, by buying her special sets of children's cosmetics that are easily washed off with water.

Parents' opinion


“I bought my daughter her first cosmetics when she was 3 years old. I don’t see anything wrong with cosmetics, where it’s appropriate - at home, on holidays, visiting friends - let him paint as much as he wants.”

“Allowing people to use it and allowing the results to be shared with people are far from the same thing. A developing girl needs to improve her skills, learn how to draw lines, shade shadows, and understand what and how to do with her face. When should you do this, if not at the time when you are learning everything?


“From 18 years old you can. Until she reaches adulthood, she is a child and has no business playing at being an adult. Otherwise, first buy her lipstick, then stockings, then she’ll want to try sex.”

“Before 15, no cosmetics, it’s all terribly harmful, and then at a minimum, maybe glitter, mascara, but without these shadows, creams, masks, it all kills the skin!”

Mom, I want pink hair!

The next question that comes to girls’ minds is whether it’s possible to dye their hair. Moreover, the options are very different - blue and pink, versus the usual “I want to be a brunette/blonde.” At what age can you use hair dye and what should you do if your baby wants to wear bright purple hair? Here's what the experts say.

Currently, there are many absolutely safe ways to let your child “play around” with hair color. There are special colored crayons, tinted shampoos and varnishes in all colors of the rainbow. All of them are washed off the first or second time and are completely harmless. Another question is if the child wants to radically change the color, and not for a day or a week.


Of course, the safest option for children is henna. This is natural paint, and it will not harm the baby if she is not allergic. But as for other paints and highlighting (and at the same time experiments with highlighting, straightening, etc.), try to postpone this until a later date (14-16 years). At an early age, all this can greatly damage the hair.

But remember that each case is individual. If your little first-grader wants to change her color, take her to a professional hairdresser and he will advise you whether it will harm her and what color to use with her hair type.

Parents' opinion


“I allow my people everything that is reversible. dye your hair, cut it, shave it - yes please. but no tattoos, holes like tunnels, etc.”

“My daughter is 10, she’s been going to the salon for a couple of years now, doing all sorts of things. I dyed both the ends and the strands. I don't see anything wrong. On the contrary, I’m glad that my daughter trusts me. And hair, not teeth, will grow back.”


“But dyeing the hair of a 14-year-old girl is incomprehensible to me. Does her hair color really look that ugly? This is all bullshit."

“children, of course, have different desires;))), but then these children (with SUCH fulfilled desires) also have children with a lot of medical problems and parents finally begin to wonder where they came from, these problems and blame everything on genetics, which may have nothing to do with it, the mother just wanted to dye the little girl’s hair, have breakfast with her again at McDonald’s, eat popcorn and drink Coca-Cola, not at all thinking about what might follow. Well, hurray for mom.”

Mom, I want nails like yours!

With manicure it's even more difficult. Until the age of 7, doctors do not recommend filing nails, only cutting them with scissors, otherwise the plates will become brittle. Before the age of 14, you should not cut the cuticle, otherwise it will provoke very rapid growth, which will lead to inconvenience in the future.


If you are thinking of painting your child’s nails with varnish, then you must be sure that the baby will not bite or suck them, because no matter how safe the varnish is, it contains a certain amount of chemicals. For very young children (up to 6-7 years old) there are special children's varnishes that are washed off with plain water. You can also use completely harmless stickers and stickers on your nails as a compromise.

After 7 years, you can start using adult varnishes if you are confident in the manufacturer. Choose varnishes without acetone, fragrances and micro-glitter in the composition, preferably water-based.

Parents' opinion


“If the child really wants it, then it’s better to put on makeup. Let him rejoice!”

“In general, I am in favor of teaching girls from childhood to proper regular self-care, including a hygienic manicure and pedicure – a must. And why not cover it with colored varnish, especially for some holidays? I don’t see anything wrong with girls painting their nails - the main thing is to use good varnish and carefully.”


“Varnish harms any nail plate. And personally, I still have irritation from the component of the varnish - ethyl acetate, it makes me cough. I would try to delay this moment as much as possible, at least until adolescence.”

“My friend has a charming 4 and a half year old daughter who “can’t live” without polish. So recently she asked me to repaint her nails and I was simply stunned by what I saw, the child’s nails were terribly peeling and a couple of nails were broken in the middle of the plate into meat, and this is in less than five years.”

Good luck in choosing the right cosmetics!

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Can virgins use tampons?

Girls who are not sexually active can safely use tampons. It is important to choose the right size.

The opening of the virgin pleura reaches a diameter of 2.5 cm. The device is “mini” size with a diameter of 1.5 cm.

Even if the tampon swells after a few hours, the girl will remain innocent when removing the used sample.

But it is better to use this type of protection as a last resort; it is better to give preference to classic gaskets.

Advice! It is better for a young girl to consult with a friend or mother before using it for the first time.

How to insert a tampon for the first time?

After constantly using pads and under the influence of advertising, women decide to try the tamponing method during their menstrual periods.

To prevent the pancake from coming out lumpy the first time, remember the main rules:

  1. Read the instructions on the package. Manufacturers give different recommendations on changing the hygiene product and administering it internally.
  2. A secret to the whole world. Consult with a close friend or mother who has experience using such products.
  3. before packing. Cleanliness of the genitals is a guarantee of protection against sexually transmitted infections and the development of pathogenic microflora in the vagina.
  4. Use the applicator with clean hands. Wash your hands with soap before administration.
  5. Choose your size and style. For the night, select a special series of products. For a virgin it is better to buy a mini size, for a young woman - normal or super, who gave birth with heavy discharge - super plus.

Important! A tampon protects against leaks better than pads.

There are 2 types of hygiene products: with applicators and without applicators. Ordinary tampons are inserted into the vagina like vaginal suppositories. Products with an applicator make the process much easier.

Follow the step-by-step instructions for introducing a regular copy:

  1. Remove the tampon from the protective shell.
  2. Pull out the string at the bottom.
  3. Spread your legs wider, you can lift one leg up.
  4. Spread your labia with your other hand.
  5. Insert the specimen into the vagina at an angle of 45 degrees.
  6. The depth of entry into the interior is 5-7 cm.
  7. Stand up. If there is no feeling of discomfort, the tampon is inserted correctly.

The depth of insertion also depends on the anatomical features of the woman. The applicator makes the process easier.

All you have to do is take a comfortable position, remove the protective film and use a special device to place the cotton wool inside.

Can you lose your virginity because of a tampon?

Most concerns about the use of tampons by girls at the beginning of the menstrual cycle relate to the risk of damage to the hymen. In most cases, such fears are unfounded.

A tampon is a cotton tube that is twisted using a special technology. When creating such personal hygiene products, the physiology of girls and women is taken into account, so tampons are as convenient and comfortable as possible.

The fact is that 90% of girls have a physiological opening in the hymen, the diameter of which is about 15-20 millimeters. In turn, the maximum possible diameter of a tampon can reach up to 15 millimeters.

In addition, during menstruation, the hymen becomes more elastic under the influence of hormones, thereby minimizing the possibility of its rupture. Therefore, the risk of losing your virginity due to using a tampon is very unlikely.

What to do if inserting a tampon hurts?

Some women complain of a feeling of discomfort when introducing a hygiene product.

If inserting a tampon hurts, try a few options before giving up:

  1. Wrong size. Purchase a product with a smaller diameter.
  2. Try inserting the guard while lying down.
  3. Penetration too deep or not enough.

After childbirth, women may experience problems with insertion at first. Use regular pads, try tampons next month - perhaps not much time has passed since giving birth.

In some cases, pain is a signal to see a doctor. Discomfort in the vagina may indicate the presence of an infectious disease or microflora disorder. After therapeutic therapy, the pain will disappear.

Important! This method of protecting against leakage is not convenient for everyone. Pain may arise out of habit.

Can I use tampons after giving birth?

During the postpartum period, a woman may not have her period for several months. If your first menstruation comes a month after giving birth, it is better to refrain from using tampons.

After 2-3 months, you can safely use cotton protection by choosing the appropriate size.

Important! After childbirth, a woman's vaginal size becomes wider. It is better to buy hygiene products in larger sizes to avoid leakage.

After the birth of a baby, a woman begins to experience lochia - bloody discharge reminiscent of menstruation. They are so abundant that even ordinary gaskets cannot cope with the scale. During this period, it is better to use maxi size pads.

It is recommended not to use the plugging method to protect against leakage in the following cases:

  • During the postpartum period. For genital injuries, use a tampon after six months.
  • After a cesarean operation or termination of pregnancy.
  • In the presence of gynecological diseases and vaginal injuries.
  • For toxic shock syndrome.

In such situations, it is better to choose the classic method of protection. Don’t get carried away and constantly use tamponing as the main method of protecting against leaks.

At night, use regular pads. Use cotton swabs in emergencies.

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Question answer

And to find out additional recommendations for using the battery, just read the following answers to the most popular questions.

What to do with a new laptop

As soon as you buy a new laptop, you can immediately use it, since they are usually sold with a charge level of up to 70%. Try to let the battery drain completely; the main sign of this will be the laptop turning off. In this case, you can use a special program to calibrate the battery. You should repeat the procedure several times and then everything will work as intended.

Is it possible to throw away a “dead” battery?

Is it possible to throw away a “dead” battery?
If we consider “dead” batteries that are no longer charged, then they can be used for other purposes. For example, if the battery is type 18 650, then it can be disassembled and used as power for a flashlight or even as a homemade Power bank, although this will require certain technical knowledge.

In any case, you should not throw the battery in the regular trash, as it can cause enormous harm to the environment.

It is better to use special collection points to avoid harm to nature.

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