acidic environment
Vaginal microbiocenosis and factors influencing its condition
The human body is a very delicate and well-functioning system. It is inherently unique
bad feeling
Normal endometrial thickness in menopause and features of the development of endometrial hyperplasia
In the process of evolution, it turned out that a woman’s life is ruled by hormones from birth to old age. They
What is artificial menopause: when is it prescribed, symptoms and consequences and is it possible to get out of it?
Climax is a word that can be used to scare young women like children with Baba Yaga. Natural
skin becomes dry
Estrogen hormone: level in women, symptoms of deficiency and excess, recovery
... The hormone that makes a woman a woman is estrogen. How to recognize a lack of estrogen, what is affected by excess,
The drug "Angelique Micro": composition, description of action, instructions for use, reviews of doctors and women with menopause
Instructions for use Angeliq Micro The onset of menopause is a very difficult time for
progesterone is produced
What products contain progesterone for women: table, list
Progesterone is a steroid hormone. It is produced in organisms of both sexes in the ovaries and
What is the difference between Klimadinon and Klimadinon Uno: comparison of drugs and patient reviews
The problem of eliminating the symptoms of menopause is relevant in modern gynecology. This is largely due to the fact that
Cervical endometriosis
Endometriosis grades 1, 2, 3, 4 in women: diagnosis and treatment of the disease
Statistics show that the formation of cervical endometriosis is found in every fourth patient of all,
medicinal product
Use of the drug Doppelherz Active Menopause during menopause
Not all women experience menopause smoothly. Many require additional medications to
Artificial induction of menopause
What medications to take during surgical menopause
After 45 years, natural changes begin to occur in women’s bodies, leading to gradual decline
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