The feminine essence and its external manifestation. Psychosomatics of female diseases associated with the menstrual cycle
One of the common female ailments is painful periods. Considering that it is in the nature of women
IVF, ICSI and PIXI: how does it stand and what are the differences?
Fertilization using the PIXI method and the difference from IVF ICSI Selection of the best sperm is the most important task
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Description Natural remedies are often used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. These also include tampons
Posterior insertion of the fetus 5
The placenta is located on the posterior wall of the uterus: features of the condition
Pregnancy, children > Need to know > The placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus: features of the condition
Which weeks, months and trimesters of pregnancy are the most dangerous, when there is the greatest risk of miscarriage?
Critical periods of pregnancy: why are they so dangerous and how to avoid them?
A desired pregnancy is an exciting and pleasant period of life. A woman tries to act according to the doctor's recommendations
White discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester
Characteristics of normal discharge In late pregnancy, discharge may become thinner than during pregnancy.
Medical termination of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages
Almost every woman in her prime wants to have her own child, this is a great joy,
Description of prolapse of the body and cervix after childbirth
Home › Uterine prolapse For women with multiple births and perineal injuries, it will be relevant
Urine culture during pregnancy: how to test, what it shows
Every expectant mother needs to regularly undergo a urine culture test during pregnancy. He enters
Chromohydrotubation during laparoscopy - price in Moscow
Methods for diagnosing tubal patency
Chromohydrotubation is a study whose purpose is to check the fallopian tubes for patency. For this
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