Inflammation of the uterus, treatment with folk remedies using tampons
In the treatment of many gynecological diseases, tampons soaked in some kind of drug are actively used. For
Treatment of cervical cancer without surgery
Diet for cervical cancer after surgery and treatment
If a woman is diagnosed with such a dangerous and serious pathology as cervical cancer, she
If pimafucin tablets do not help with thrush
If pimafucin tablets do not help with thrush Almost everyone knows that candidiasis or thrush
Condition of uterine hypertonicity: there is a danger of pregnancy
The uterus is a muscle, it has nerve fibers and contracts before childbirth to push out
fibroadenoma removal
Excision of fibroadenoma using laser techniques
Breast fibroadenoma, without a doubt, is considered a controversial and ambiguous disease and the most unpleasant thing is
Women's problems
Is the uterus soft in early pregnancy?
Cervix in everyday life The average menstrual cycle for a woman is 28 days. Normal
Ultrasound does not detect fallopian tubes, what does this mean?
Anatomical and physiological features of the organ The uterine, or fallopian, tubes are considered hollow and somewhat elongated
Treatment of chronic cervical cervicosis: modern methods and folk remedies
Causes Before starting treatment, the doctor determines the cause of the development of the chronic form of cervicosis. To the main
From embryo to fetus
Why does the lower abdomen hurt after ovulation? Causes and symptoms
Symptoms of conception before delay Frequent urination. The uterus, which has slightly increased in size, begins to put pressure on
Changes in hormonal levels during a normal menstrual cycle
Brown discharge due to ovarian cyst
The appearance of a cyst is possible at any age. Such a neoplasm may not bother the woman at all at first,
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