Triderm for thrush in women reviews
Triderm for thrush Thanks to the clotrimazole contained in the composition, Triderm cream is actively used for thrush
Lavirol suppositories for thrush: instructions for use
Thrush is an insidious and common disease. It is characterized by extremely unpleasant symptoms and can provoke dangerous
The effectiveness of Actovegin when planning pregnancy
Actovegin for endometrial growth: yes or no? This drug is usually prescribed when planning pregnancy,
What to do with blood clots in the uterus after childbirth
Childbirth occurs in three periods: contractions, birth of the fetus and birth of the placenta. The afterbirth is
Marker Ca-125 is localized in the ovaries
CA 125 for endometriosis: definitions, preparation for analysis, norms | vrachmatki
Quite often, when diagnosing diseases, as well as for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, doctors prescribe
Propolis in a woman’s medicine cabinet: treatment of “female” ailments
Tinctures, ointments and vaginal and rectal suppositories with propolis in gynecology are widely used in
Sage - to accelerate the growth of the follicle and endometrium in the first phase of the cycle
When a woman’s inner layer of the uterus does not gain the required thickness after ovulation, this may
How long can you not have sex after cauterization of erosion, after what time can you
Cervical pathology occurs quite often in women. Various methods are used to treat it.
Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages progress of the operation
Supravaginal amputation of the uterus is understood as a surgical intervention during which the body of the uterus is removed
composition of terzhinan
Terzhinan for thrush: how to use and will there be an effect?
Unbearable, sometimes intensifying itching, discharge resembling grains of curd, swelling of the mucous membrane - these are manifestations of thrush,
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