Left appendage in a woman
Delay in menstruation for 5 days and pain in the left ovary
The ovaries are the paired female reproductive organs, which are responsible for the proper production of hormones and maturation
okomarker ca 125
Analysis for tumor marker CA-125 for ovarian cysts
A cyst is a benign formation, which is a hollow tumor with internal liquid contents.
Fetal CTE by week: table, ultrasound
What is fetal CTE and how is it done?
How is the baby growing and is everything okay with him, to the doctor and spouses who
Cyclodinone instructions for use reviews for polycystic ovary syndrome
Cyclodinone is a herbal medicine developed for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and cycle disorders. The medicine has an effect for
How to treat a polyp in the uterus with leeches
Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At 28 years old myself
Temperature with lactostasis
Ways to reduce temperature during breast inflammation in a nursing woman
In medical practice, there are many cases when the temperature rises during lactostasis. In addition to the painful sensations that arise
Brown discharge after childbirth
Pink vaginal discharge: should you panic?
Any new mother will develop dark lochia. In this case, there is no need to worry, so
Removing an ingrown intrauterine device
Can the spiral move? In medical practice, there are often cases when the IUD moves or
Chest pain in men: description of gynecomastia, mastitis and mastopathy
Why does it hurt in the chest in men Chest pain in men varies in nature
Discharge after removal of a uterine polyp
Bleeding after removal of a polyp in the cervical canal
General information about the procedure Removal of benign formations is the main principle of treatment, preventing the likelihood of transformation
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