Complications after curettage during a frozen pregnancy. How does curettage occur during a frozen pregnancy?
The uterus does not contract after childbirth. During 9 months of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size by more than
Headaches during, before and after ovulation (mid-menstrual cycle)
The term "ovulation" is used to refer to one of the stages of the menstrual cycle when a mature egg moves forward
Soybeans and legumes
What can cause a woman's breasts to enlarge?
Reasons for breast enlargement not related to pathologies. Pathological reasons. Let's find out the reason. Treatment. Preventive measures.
Chemotherapy for stage 3 uterine cancer after removal
Chemotherapy for cervical cancer Chemotherapy is a modern high-tech method of treating malignant neoplasms, based
no periods after stopping Regulon
When will your period stop after taking Regulon for the first time?
How the drug acts on the body Contents of the article: The composition of the oral contraceptive Regulon includes: progestin;
Delay in menstruation for 5 days pulls the lower abdomen and lower back causes
(0 votes, rating 0 out of 5) If the delay is 5 days and the lower abdomen is pulling,
Janine or Visanne, which is better for endometriosis?
Janine or Visanne, which is better for endometriosis? Contents Janine or Visanne - which is better
Douching with chamomile
Squamous cell cancer of the cervix prognosis treatment with folk remedies
Cervical cancer today is diagnosed in women of various age categories, doctors also note a decrease
Rupture hemorrhagic cyst
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst: causes, treatment, prognosis
More than half of the diseases “on the female side” are somehow related to pathology on the ovaries.
Hemorrhoids between the anus and vagina photo
Modern medicine is developing rapidly, so those pathologies that were previously considered a hopeless diagnosis are today
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