at the gynecologist
Recurrence of endometrial hyperplasia after curettage
Curettage of the uterine cavity is carried out for endometrial hyperplasia in order to obtain analysis for research and
plantain in the forest
Plantain seeds medicinal properties and contraindications in gynecology
How is plantain beneficial for a woman’s health? Plantain is distributed throughout our vast country.
a drug
Acyclovir for genital herpes: instructions on how to take
Acyclovir for genital herpes is prescribed by specialists to suppress the activity of the herpes virus. He's the one
treatment of endometriosis in women with drugs
What drugs are prescribed to treat uterine endometriosis?
When choosing a method of treating endometriosis in women with drugs, the doctor is faced with a difficult task - how to
The influence of polyps on the birth process
Polyp on the cervix bleeds during pregnancy
The functioning of a woman's body changes greatly during pregnancy. This happens for many reasons
How does a three-layer endometrium appear?
The inner surface of the uterus is covered with a mucous layer called the endometrium. It changes under the influence of hormones, the level
How to restore ovarian function during early menopause - Sweet Kids
Why is the functioning of the ovaries disrupted? Causes of ovarian dysfunction: Diseases of the internal genital organs (inflammation, tumors,
female reproductive system
Vaginal colpitis - symptoms and treatment, suppositories for vaginitis
Causes of colpitis Colpitis is an inflammatory process localized on the vaginal mucosa. Most
Contraceptive implant: price, description, reviews
Subcutaneous contraceptive implant (capsule): is it better to use pills or pills?
A contraceptive implant is a new form of contraception that is shaped like a small tube (or elongated capsule)
How to prepare for menopause when to start
What is menopause and how to properly prepare for it A woman can be beautiful and cheerful
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