fibroids treatment
Uterine fibroids: treatment with folk remedies, home recipes, necessary herbs, preparation of decoctions, compresses and reviews from doctors
Uterine fibroids occupy a leading position among all other gynecological diseases. A similar disease applies to
Unpleasant odor during menopause in women: what causes it, how to get rid of it
How do hormonal changes lead to unpleasant odor in the vaginal area? The appearance of an unpleasant odor in
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Tea tree oil for thrush - how to use?
Manifestations of candidiasis are extremely unpleasant. To quickly suppress them, medications are used, supplementing and strengthening
When should the tingling occur?
Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy - is it dangerous? How to treat tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy
Literally from the first days of pregnancy, any woman experiences various uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen, and
von Willebrand-Diana disease
Abnormal uterine bleeding in girls. What to do?
Juvenile bleeding is a group of dysfunctional menstrual cycle disorders during puberty, not
'We consider the pros and cons of using the drug "Zhanine"
Janine in the treatment of uterine fibroids: description, tips and recommendations
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A woman's body ages
A woman at 40 and at 46 years old differs in psychological age and not only
Typically, the age at which menopause occurs is inherited: if the mother had early menopause, it is more likely
What to do after fibroid removal
Removal of the uterus for fibroids after cesarean section
Ideally, in order to start planning for a child, you need to be in excellent health. However this
Is it possible to induce menstruation with acetylsalicylic acid?
Possible causes of missed periods As already mentioned, failure to have periods on time may be
Is it possible to play sports when planning pregnancy?
Studies on the effects of physical activity in women before conception have shown that exercise helps improve women's fertility,
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