Indomethacin suppositories instructions for use in gynecology Rectal suppositories white with yellowish or creamy
Representatives of the fair half of humanity with the appearance of a feeling of discomfort during the menstrual cycle, namely
Redness and itching in the intimate area is a problem that many women face. Very
Briefly about the disease Candidiasis (the medical name for thrush) is caused by opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida. They are actively
Basal temperature measurements are now widely used by ladies to determine the most favorable period for conception.
Candidiasis develops with strong growth of the fungus that provokes the development of the disease, candida albicans. At the same time, women
The main phases of the cycle The woman’s reproductive system carries out its work according to a certain algorithm. It is customary to highlight
Polyps are benign formations that grow in hollow organs. Pathology of the cervix
What is oncociology and its types? Oncocytology is a microscopic examination of a biopath taken from
Hysterectomy, or hysterectomy, is a gynecological operation in which the uterus is removed along with