Candida albicans - what is it? Candida albicans. Candidiasis, thrush
The human body is the habitat of many microorganisms classified as pathogenic or conditionally harmful microflora.
Cytology – basic gynecological examination, significance in diagnosis
George N. Papanicolaou - Father of Cytology Contents of the Article Cytology would never have arisen if
Carrying out a cytological examination procedure
Liquid cytology of cervical and cervical canal scrapings with determination of HPV types 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59 (SurePath FocalPoint) in Moscow
Complexes with this study Planning IVF Examination for preliminary preparation of a woman for the IVF procedure
How to be healthy as a woman. The main secrets of women's health.
Women's health: what is important to know?
How to be healthy as a woman. The main secrets of women's health. Women's health - from it
How to make a girl cum: a description of basic techniques and general principles
Almost all girls remember their first sex: for some in a good way, and for others in a bad way.
Drug therapy
How to improve egg quality and keep them healthy longer
What affects the quality of female cells During a woman’s life, the number and quality
Panty liners
Why do you need panty liners and what types of products to choose?
Panty liners are used to keep underwear clean, including when there is heavy leucorrhoea.
What kind of discharge occurs during ovulation and what is the norm?
A woman constantly experiences vaginal discharge. The color, smell and consistency of the secretion reflect the condition
Brown discharge instead of menstruation
Brown discharge instead of menstruation is a sign of pregnancy
Views - 60 163 For the female body, discharge is a healthy and normal phenomenon. Thanks to
In what period of the cycle is there a high probability of getting pregnant: advice for expectant mothers
Phases of the menstrual cycle Every month, women produce bleeding for 3-7 days -
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