Laundry soap for thrush
Thrush in women and laundry soap as the main treatment for candidiasis
Thrush is the most common disease of the genital organs, which causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms -
discharge during menstruation
Why no periods after birth control pills Novinet
Rules for discontinuing Novinet tablets The most favorable situation occurs when discontinuation of the drug is planned. If a woman
The most common consequences of radiation therapy for breast cancer
The first radiation therapy session in history was performed on a woman with breast cancer.
Cysts in the mammary glands can be given a back massage
Authors | Last updated: 2019 An ovarian cyst detected in a woman does not always suggest
itching after thrush treatment
If after treatment for thrush there is still itching
Every woman has encountered thrush at least once in her life. This is a very unpleasant vaginal disease,
Features of the use of HRT in menopause
Table and recommendations for menopausal hormone therapy
Menopause is a condition that all women experience when the end of reproductive function occurs.
Lower back pain after cauterization of cervical erosion
Authors | Last updated: 2019 Modern gynecology offers many different methods of physical and chemical
There is no blood after vacuum abortion
Termination of pregnancy is always a great stress for a woman’s body, so the situation when it hurts
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women
Can there be menstruation after menopause: the danger of menstruation in postmenopause
The period of menopause is a complete restructuring of the body due to its hormonal instability.
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Vaginal tablets "Klion-D" - reviews and analogues
Very often, the female body becomes vulnerable to pathological processes that are caused by pathogenic microflora. Vaginal
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