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Carrying out laparotomy for ovarian cysts
It is wrong to assume that all cystic ovarian tumors are harmless. There is a group of cysts that are not
How long does the temperature last after curettage of a frozen pregnancy?
temperature after cleaning a frozen pregnancy Questions and answers about: temperature after cleaning a frozen pregnancy
Carrying out surgery for bartholinitis and recovery after it
Removal of the Bartholin gland or extirpation is a radical surgical method that surgeons do not like to use
Delayed menstruation, dizziness and lower back pain
When a delay is normal Every representative of the fair sex once a month or
Electrophoresis with lidase in gynecology - My gynecologist
Mechanism of action Lidase is a drug that is very often recommended for use in electrophoresis. Enzyme agent
Stomach hurts after laparoscopy
Why does my side hurt after laparoscopy of the gallbladder?
DIFFERENT CAUSES OF PAIN Sometimes the stomach hurts after laparoscopy. What to do in this case? Can
Femoston when planning pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews
Femoston is a drug that contains synthetic analogues of female hormones -
What happens if you start taking Regulon after menstruation?
Indications for discontinuation of Regulon Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive drug used for routine contraception. Except
Can I take vaginal pills during menstruation?
What kind of remedy is Terzhinan - vaginal suppositories prescribed for acute fungal and infectious
How quickly the cervix shortens before childbirth. Symptoms of labor. Self-stimulation of the cervix
Pregnancy is a very difficult period in the life of every woman. Even if pregnancy passes without
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