Endoferin instructions for use
Instructions for use of the drug Endoferin. As already mentioned, Endoferin is a drug that represents
When can polyps in the uterus resolve?
Can a placental polyp come out with menstruation?
When asked whether an endometrial polyp can resolve or come out on its own with menstrual blood, doctors
Histological examination of the endometrium (PIPEL BIOPSY) in Belgorod
Without any doubt we can say that infertility is a huge problem that has taken many by surprise.
Treatment of cervical prolapse after childbirth
Uterine prolapse is a downward displacement of the reproductive organ, which without adequate therapy can lead to
Home and medicinal ways to grow the endometrium
Pharmacological drugs used to eliminate pathologies that are associated with various abnormalities in the condition of women
fluid_cytology_of the cervix
Bloody discharge after examination by a gynecologist: during pregnancy, after cytology, taking a smear
What is “cytology” in gynecology? In most cases, when cervical cytology is prescribed,
Microbial associations in postpartum endometritis
The diagnosis of “endometritis” after cesarean section is heard by about 10–20% of women. The development of the disease is usually indicated by
better to take
How to combine endometriosis and taking birth control pills?
Contraceptives for endometriosis: which oral contraceptives are best to take Endometriosis of the uterus is considered a dangerous disease that is
Localization of fibroids
Signs of uterine fibroids: how to recognize the pathology in a timely manner?
What pain is characteristic of uterine fibroids? Uterine fibroids are diagnosed in 40% of patients who have passed the age
The feminine essence and its external manifestation. Psychosomatics of female diseases associated with the menstrual cycle
One of the common female ailments is painful periods. Considering that it is in the nature of women
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