What pathologies cause pain in the lower left side during menstruation?
Menstruation is considered to be a natural physiological process, which is characterized by the rejection of a mature egg. Normally critical
Anesthesia during laparoscopy: all about anesthesia
Indications for laparoscopic surgery Laparoscopy is performed both for diagnostic purposes (during examination of organs),
When do antibodies to coronavirus appear? On what day? How many days do they take to form in the blood?
The recently discovered coronavirus infection caused by the disease COVID-19 is quite highly contagious, which is why
On what day should there be a withdrawal bleed?
Bleeding when stopping birth control mid-cycle
Withdrawal bleeding for women who take oral contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy is considered
Delayed periods after childbirth while breastfeeding: the main reasons why periods do not appear
Quite often, women after childbirth are concerned about the question of why their periods do not come for a long time. Reasons may
Ultrasonic sensor for diagnostics
What is a hyperechoic formation in the ovary?
Hyperechoic inclusions in the ovary are neoplasms that have a high density and are unable to
Anechoic ovarian cyst
What does anechoic inclusions in the ovary indicate?
What is an anechoic formation in the ovary? An anechoic formation is not a diagnosis. This term
Reasons for the absence of menstruation after the drug Postinor
Postinor is a drug used for emergency contraception. This medicine is used only as a last resort,
Scab - photo
How the scab comes off after conization of the cervix
What is a cervical eschar After surgery on the cervix where the cervix is ​​open
Motherwort dosage during pregnancy. Safe use of motherwort during pregnancy
Calmness and tranquility are important conditions for the normal course of pregnancy. However, in nine months it is impossible
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