legs ache before period
Twisting legs during menstruation
Why discomfort occurs in adolescents Adolescence is the first period in a girl’s life characterized by
The procedure for blowing out the fallopian tubes: effectiveness and methods
From hydroturbation to laparoscopy The adhesive process occurs as a result of chronic inflammation of the female genital area.
Is it possible to use Hexicon suppositories during menstruation and during sex?
A woman’s menstrual cycle has a serious impact on her well-being and health. Many medicines
Brown periods and nagging pain in the lower abdomen
A menstrual cycle that lasts from 21 to 33 days is considered normal. But far from it
breast massage
Is it possible to massage the breasts with fibrocystic mastopathy?
Breast massage is an event carried out to maintain the elasticity, beauty and youth of the mammary glands. Procedure
Polyps psychosomatics Louise Hay
Psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus. Why is a polyp in the uterus dangerous?
Physical health is very closely interconnected with mental organization. Different experiences can directly influence
Why does it burn in the vagina, causes and treatment of severe burning inside the uterus
The main culprits of burning in the uterus
Many women know that vaginal burning can become a serious problem, and
Application of medicinal properties of nettle in medicine and cosmetology
It is difficult to say how many beneficial properties ordinary and well-known herbs contain.
When to drink noshpa during abdominal pain during menstruation
Does No-shpa help with menstrual and menstrual pain? Menstruation is often accompanied not only
Can there be severe pain in the lower abdomen during implantation?
How much does your stomach hurt during embryo implantation? Embryo implantation The birth of a new life is not
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