Possible changes in the menstrual cycle during and after taking Escapel
Escaper is a means of emergency contraception. Contains levonongestrel as an active substance, and its concentration is
12th day after embryo transfer: sensations, results, medical advice, reviews
IVF or in vitro fertilization, unfortunately, does not provide a 100% guarantee of a successful pregnancy. According to statistics
How to swim during your period without a tampon in the pool
It happens that you planned to relax on the weekend and splash around in the water, but...
Is it worth doing laser hair removal during menstruation?
What is sugaring Sugaring is Persian hair removal, during which hair is removed
Anemia during menstruation - main causes, methods of treatment
Causes of IDA The most common causes of iron deficiency anemia: Risk groups for the development of iron deficiency anemia: pregnant women,
After taking Postinor, a week later I started bleeding and my stomach hurts
Bleeding after taking Postinor is the key to the successful effects of the drug, according to the official instructions. The medication applies
Positive pregnancy test in a woman's hand
Delayed menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen and clear discharge
Probability of conception During the first day of delay, white discharge in large quantities with dense
Why is colostrum released if there is no pregnancy?
Galactorrhea (or inappropriate lactation) is a fairly common pathology. Between 20 and 25% of women experience
onion peels in a saucepan
How to prepare a decoction of onion peels for menstruation
Delayed menstruation not associated with pregnancy most often occurs against the background of certain pathological changes
Itching during menstruation: causes of itching before and after ovulation
Every month, every woman of reproductive age experiences a menstrual period, which can cause a lot of problems with well-being.
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