Drug treatment of cysts is not indicated in all cases; its feasibility and scope are determined by the doctor
Ovarian cyst treatment with hormonal pills
General information about ovarian cysts Symptoms Causes Classification of cystic formations Video Ovarian cyst -
ovarian cyst
Why there is no menstruation with an ovarian cyst - the effect of the cyst on menstruation
The duration of the menstrual cycle is usually from 23 to 35 days. Shorter or
No period after unsuccessful IVF
Decapeptyl and menstruation in a long protocol: IVF protocols, recommendations for instructions, experience of use
The in vitro fertilization protocol is a complex set of sequential measures that entails changes
What does white discharge signal in teenagers?
In newborns Discharge in newborn girls appears at approximately 2–3 weeks of life.
weakness and dizziness
Menstruation with fibroids: features of the cycle, causes of irregularities
Heavy periods with uterine fibroids Menorrhagia or pathologically heavy periods indicate thickening of the internal
Vitamins and periods
How vitamins help restore the menstrual cycle
4.7 (6) Vitamins for restoring the menstrual cycle help solve this problem. Main components of drugs
The effect of antibiotic therapy on the menstrual cycle
Can antibiotics cause my menstrual cycle to go wrong?
Sometimes it is impossible to do without using such potent drugs as antibiotics. But is it worth it?
The girl looks at the watch dial
Features of the resumption of menstruation during breastfeeding
The arrival of a long-awaited baby always brings with it both joy and worry. Behind it
Why can there be a delay in menstruation with uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are a gynecological disease, which is a benign neoplasm localized in the cavity
Basal temperature measurement
How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle: methods
In the presence of intimate relationships, questions about pregnancy, desired or not, are urgent and relevant.
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