Test negative
Causes of swollen nipples: menstruation, pregnancy, menopause
Each woman is very attentive, or should be, to her health. Especially this
follicle stimulating hormone normal
Pregnancy after the ovulation process: timing and stages of conception
Pregnancy after the ovulation process usually occurs 2-3 weeks after it occurs. Conception
How does menstruation change while taking Norkolut?
Norkolut belongs to hormonal drugs and in its action is an analogue of hormones of the second phase
Can I get my period while taking birth control pills?
Contraceptive pills are recognized as one of the most effective methods of contraception today
ultrasound with condom
Why do you need a condom at the first pregnancy ultrasound?
Ultrasound examination is a common and safe diagnostic method. The examination is prescribed for patients of any age. At
hospital corridor
Why might your breasts hurt in the middle of your cycle?
Every second woman knows how her breasts hurt after ovulation. Breast pain is
On what day after menstruation can you get pregnant 89
Is it possible to have sex during your period? Having sex during menstruation in ancient times
Blood after the first time. How long does it take, why so long and so much?
Virginity... The cause of so many worries and troubles was this small fold of the mucous membrane, even for
Cystitis after and during ovulation: causes, relationships and treatment
The occurrence of cystitis after ovulation Changes in a woman’s body during and after ovulation affect
Why is a girl angry during her period? Why are girls so nervous during their periods? The menstrual cycle and accompanying changes
Opinion of the stronger half According to social surveys, the opinion of men is divided depending on age.
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