Why is blood liquid? Liquid blood causes and treatment
Why is human blood red Science knows that different living organisms on the planet have blood
Pain in the lower abdomen in women
Rectal temperature after menstruation is 37 why. Basal temperature and its changes. Indications for measuring basal temperature
Increase in general body temperature during menstruation Gynecologists believe that during menstruation it may be slightly
Calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancy
Many women prefer to use so-called natural family planning methods, which are based on observations
Why does the menstrual cycle change from 28 days to 25 days?
Normally, a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days - from the first day of one menstruation
What kind of candles are there for the smell in an intimate place? Treatment and causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor in the intimate area
Unpleasant odor from the vagina is a common problem that occurs due to an infectious disease or negative
Methods for determining pregnancy without a gynecological examination
How can a gynecologist determine pregnancy during an examination?
As a rule, there comes a time in every woman’s life when her menstrual period is delayed.
Menstrual cycle calendar
Menstruation: how to change their schedule without harm to health
How to speed up the arrival of menstruation if there is an unreasonable delay or the start of menstrual periods is disrupted
after duphaston, brown discharge instead of menstruation
During puberty, complex transformations occur in the body’s functioning system, which prepare the female
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Irregular periods are not uncommon these days. Therefore, many women take
On the 8th day after embryo transfer, spotting
Unfortunately, not all women can experience the joy of motherhood without seeking help.
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