Lower back pain and brown discharge after menstruation
Why do I have brown discharge and lower back pain after my period? With brown discharge and pain
How to restore your period after birth control
Oral contraceptives (OC) are a popular and effective way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. When correct
Endometriosis of the bladder: probable causes of development, principles of therapy
A pathological disorder accompanied by active growth of the tissues of the lining of the uterine cavity beyond its boundaries is called endometriosis.
Day 23 of the discharge cycle during pregnancy 1
Day 20 of the cycle signs of pregnancy discharge
Vaginal discharge is a secret produced by the glands of the vagina and uterus, characterized by the absence of odor and mucous consistency.
Discharge when taking Jess Plus (brown, spotting, bloody) in the middle of the cycle - reasons
Spotting after starting to take Jess: what is the reason? The hormonal contraceptive Jess is
Headaches during, before and after ovulation (mid-menstrual cycle)
The term "ovulation" is used to refer to one of the stages of the menstrual cycle when a mature egg moves forward
Why do I get my period twice a month?
Menstruation 16 days after previous reasons
Normally, menstruation occurs monthly, between the beginning of the critical days there should be from 22 to
Soybeans and legumes
What can cause a woman's breasts to enlarge?
Reasons for breast enlargement not related to pathologies. Pathological reasons. Let's find out the reason. Treatment. Preventive measures.
Delay in menstruation for 5 days pulls the lower abdomen and lower back causes
(0 votes, rating 0 out of 5) If the delay is 5 days and the lower abdomen is pulling,
Can there be discharge when taking Visanne?
Contraindications for taking Visanne Despite the fact that the drug is prescribed in almost all cases
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