Orvi at conception

During pregnancy, our body reduces its level of protection, since the embryo at the first stage of its development is considered “foreign” for our body. Therefore, if pregnancy occurs, it is very likely that the woman may get sick with something. The body of the expectant mother is especially susceptible to infections and colds, which are so easy to catch. This means that if planning a pregnancy and a cold coincide, then an infection may remain in your body, which will make itself felt during pregnancy itself. This will be discussed in our article.

When you're pregnant, sometimes it feels like the whole world is out to hurt us. Either the bus is moving too fast, or the wind is blowing too strongly, or September has arrived at the wrong time. But, nevertheless, even constantly suspecting everything and everyone and protecting yourself from all dangers, you cannot completely exclude the possibility of some kind of infection occurring in your body. And you shouldn’t be afraid or upset about it - it’s absolutely normal. Well, think for yourself, how can you get rid of what is constantly in the air?

Of course, in the summer it is more difficult to get sick if you simply take care of yourself - wash your hands after going outside, handle fruits and vegetables, and simply follow the rules of hygiene. However, summer is almost over and now viruses are attacking. In the fall, the supply of vitamins received in the summer is still active, but the stronger the cold, the more fiercely viruses and infections fight against our protective shell. ARVI, bronchitis, pharyngitis and everything else - all this is literally everywhere, flying through the air and there is no way to hide from it.

A pleasant surprise

By the way, a painful condition often becomes favorable for conceiving a child. Quite paradoxical, isn't it? Doctors explain this as follows:

  1. Firstly, planning a pregnancy is a stressful state. And in such a state, as a rule, nothing happens. And the disease, it seems, temporarily brings your plans to naught. The tension subsides and, in sports parlance, you let your guard down and miss the ball. This is where the conception of a child all happens.
  2. The second paradox is that the body, which has a powerful immune system, does not allow any foreign substances to approach itself. The same applies to the partner’s sperm. And during illness, as we know, the immune system is weakened, which has a beneficial effect on the penetration of sperm into the egg.

How ARVI affects the egg

Even during the period of growth of a female embryo, millions of eggs are laid. It is impossible to increase their number. However, reliable preservation of the cells is ensured. They are practically unaffected by any negative factors.

As a rule, a cold does not affect the eggs in any way. Nothing prevents them from meeting sperm and being fertilized, as well as moving through the tubes.

At the same time, female eggs are very sensitive to drug effects. In other words, the medications that a patient takes during a cold can have an extremely negative effect on them.

If a cold is diagnosed immediately after ovulation, when the zygote is already moving towards the uterus, then there is a risk of death of the developing embryo. Then the body adjusts to the next menstrual cycle, and all excess is excreted with menstruation. The fixed fetus is very susceptible to negative influences, starting from the ninth day after conception.

A cold is a loose concept

First, you need to draw a line between the concept of a cold and an illness. Because you may not pay enough attention to one, but in the second case you need to be on guard.

So, as it increases,

The severity of the situation also increases:

  1. ARVI
  2. ARVI with fever
  3. Flu

In the last two cases, you should be extremely attentive to your well-being. If conception occurred due to illness, consult your doctor.

Is a cold a sign of fertility?

A cold should not be taken as a sign of ovulation, and the main one at that. Sometimes it happens that spouses have been planning a baby for so long, but the release of the egg and its meeting with sperm occurs against the background of a viral disease. Here the condition is influenced by various factors.

Conception occurs against the background of a general decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. Some women have antibodies so strong that they prevent sperm from moving. During ovulation, it is much more difficult to protect yourself from a cold.

How does a cold affect a man?

If a man falls ill, everything is very clear. ARVI without fever cannot in any way affect the quality of sperm and the result of conceiving a child. Therefore, whether you are going to start this delicate matter, or it is already complete with ARVI without fever, then there is nothing to worry about.

It suggests a temporary illness in the upper part of the body, but it does not affect the lower (responsible) part.

As for ARVI with the presence of temperature (as a rule, 38 and above is considered problematic), here everything is a little different. The fact is that this condition inhibits the development and quality of sperm. They simply will not be able to fertilize an egg.

But if we take into account the fact that they develop over the course of a month, then old sperm may well carry out their plan. And if this works, then there is nothing to worry about.

In other words, if you are sick, nothing will work out. Well, if it works out, then there is nothing to worry about.

Planning pregnancy and colds

If you have been planning your pregnancy for a long time, then you are several times more attentive to everything. But it happens that one of the couple gets sick at the beginning of the cycle. The question arises - what to do? After all, perhaps, you will say, this was exactly the day when the conception of a child could have occurred, but you were afraid to do it because of a cold. Should you delay conception due to a cold?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally. In this situation, you need to look at the circumstances - who exactly is sick, a man or a woman; when and how he/she got sick and what treatment was prescribed. Many types of medications are not intended for a pregnant woman and can simply kill the unborn child before it even forms an embryo.

In addition, do not forget that if one of the partners gets sick, then the probability of infecting the other is very high. It is also worth thinking very seriously about whether it is worth stressing a sick person with lovemaking? Of course, the desire to have children is very important, but sometimes you need to think about it.

And, of course, if a man gets sick, a woman can “catch” the infection within a few days - the incubation period of the disease lasts up to ten days. Therefore, it may well turn out that the height of the disease will already occur in a woman at the time of conception or even after it. ARVI is a very complex disease, and its consequences are almost impossible to predict. Therefore, it is better to wait until you are both healthy and then do something about conceiving a child.

Colds in women and conception of a child

You can get pregnant with a cold, but in this case everything is much more complicated. The fact is that the female body is itself a storage (vessel) for the fetus. And in what condition it will be, the embryo will be in the same state.

  • ARVI without fever : However, if conception occurred during ARVI without fever, then you should not worry. The only thing that is required is to prevent the disease by moving on to its treatment. Here it is necessary to consult a doctor and use the medications prescribed by him. In such cases, drugs for early pregnancy are allowed.
  • ARVI and elevated temperature : If ARVI occurs together with fever, but conception occurs, this will not negatively affect the fetus itself. However, it is necessary to normalize the temperature. This is done only if she has crossed the 38.5 mark. Preparations for these purposes are used on the basis of paracetomol and must be with the permission of the doctor.
  • Flu and conceiving a child : Having the flu eliminates the desire to conceive in itself. However, if you take into account the fact that fertilization can occur thirty-six hours after sex, then the possibility of conception is quite acceptable. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the infection as soon as possible. The first is bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. The second is to call a doctor, who, in turn, must be informed about a possible pregnancy. Thanks to this, appropriate medications will be prescribed.

Conception against the background of ARVI and influenza in a woman

Conception against the background of ARVI symptoms without an increase in body temperature: ARVI symptoms (cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat) at normal body temperature will not in themselves affect the course of pregnancy or the development of the child.

It is important to take immediate measures and prevent further development of the disease. But you can only be treated with drugs approved for use in the early stages of pregnancy.

Conception against the background of ARVI symptoms with an increase in body temperature: If conception has occurred and the fertilized egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus, then the malaise did not entail any negative consequences for the unborn child.

The main task is to immediately begin treatment to prevent further development of the disease and its complications. Body temperature should be reduced only when it exceeds 38.5 degrees. Paracetamol-based antipyretics are allowed.

Conceiving a child due to the flu:

The sudden onset of the disease, fever, headache and aching joints - the symptoms of influenza are not at all conducive to the process preceding conception. But fertilization can occur 36 hours after intercourse, so we can assume a scenario where conception occurs against the background of the flu.

The main task here is to recover as quickly as possible and prevent complications. It is necessary to remove intoxication, this is facilitated by drinking plenty of fluids and strict adherence to bed rest. Call a doctor and be sure to warn about a possible pregnancy so that the doctor can prescribe medications that are compatible with it.

In any case, if fertilization has occurred and the egg is attached, then with a high degree of probability the disease passed without consequences.

At this stage, the “all or nothing” principle applies, that is, if the unborn child is affected by viruses or medications and something goes wrong, then, most likely, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur. A woman may not even notice that she was pregnant and mistake the discharge for normal menstruation.

Thus, most likely, the disease during the period of conception will not affect the course of the subsequent pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

But if you are planning a pregnancy and fall ill during a period favorable for conception, then you do not have to abandon your plans only if one or both partners have mild cold symptoms.

If you have a fever or flu-like symptoms, pregnancy planning should be postponed until the next cycle.

The fact is that treatment during pregnancy limits the choice of drugs, and if the disease becomes complicated or prolonged, then there is a high risk of damage to the fetus. The most important and most dangerous period is the first trimester, when the formation of the child’s organ systems occurs; the most important period is from the fourth to the ninth obstetric weeks.

The period during which conception occurs - from the second to the fourth obstetric weeks - is not so dangerous for the unborn child in terms of effects on it, since during this period the fertilized egg develops and grows autonomously and the influence of viruses and medications taken is minimal. However, it can be very difficult to establish the timing when fertilization occurred and, accordingly, to calculate the exact period until which the unborn child is protected, so the influence of viruses cannot be completely ruled out.

The greatest harm can be caused not by the disease itself, but by the medications with which the woman was treated.

Drawing conclusions

As we can see from the above, everything happens according to the “pan is gone” system. If conception was successful during a cold, nothing bad happened. And all that remains is to prevent the development of the disease.

You should not delay conception if one of the partners shows signs of a cold - this will not affect the condition of the fetus in any way and you can get pregnant with a cold. However, if we are talking about serious viruses, then it is best to wait.

And the main thing is a mandatory consultation with your doctor. After all, what you take is involved in the construction of the fetus, and any self-medication and prescribing medications for yourself can only do harm.

The effect of a cold on pregnancy

Traditional medicine recipes will help with colds

Doctors warn expectant mothers that it is undesirable to get sick with acute respiratory infections or the flu during any stage of pregnancy planning. It is best to postpone planning a baby until the woman or her partner is completely cured and strengthens the body. In order to know that conception is already possible, the expectant mother needs to visit an antenatal clinic and undergo all the necessary tests.

Read: If you get pregnant with thrush

From the moment pregnancy occurs in a woman’s body, her immunity begins to decline. This situation happens to all expectant mothers. It is necessary so that the fertilized egg does not begin to be rejected from the female body.

If pregnancy is accompanied by a cold, then the body’s immune forces begin to weaken much faster. All this leads to a severe course of acute respiratory infections and the risk of a large number of complications.

For example, the expectant mother may have:

  • Pneumonia, in which a woman will have to take a large number of antibiotics
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system, liver, and kidneys
  • Disturbances in the blood supply to the fetus, which occurs due to insufficient vascular blood flow caused by a cold
  • Phytoplacental insufficiency, which can cause a frozen fetus

Childbirth that begins prematurely or a miscarriage that occurs late in pregnancy can also be a consequence of high fever or severe infection.

If pregnancy occurs after an illness, this can also have dire consequences. The body of women expecting a baby reacts poorly to the occurrence of acute respiratory infections, and they can be effectively eliminated only with the help of traditional therapy methods. This cannot be done with medications.

If it does happen that a woman gets a cold while pregnant, she needs to carefully and carefully follow all medical prescriptions. Only in this case the risk of complications will be minimal.

This video is for the expectant mother:

03 Jan 2021 Yuki 451

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Nata:
    01/04/2017 at 00:03

    Of course, you need to protect yourself from colds, but if this happens, then there is nothing criminal here. Traditional medicine, such as honey, raspberries, and teas, will be used. And of course, prevention is vitamins and fruits.


The effect of the disease on the fertilized egg

After conception, several days pass before the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity. This period is called pre-implantation. At this time, all cells of the embryo are equal. If the disease during fertilization negatively affects one of them, then it’s okay.

The remaining cells will perform the function of the damaged one. In this case, the embryo is not in danger, and it will be successfully attached to the body of the uterus. From this moment, pregnancy and the development of the unborn child begin.

If the effect on the fertilized egg during a cold was significant, then the embryo will simply be rejected and pregnancy will not occur. At normal times, the woman will begin her period.

Doctors half-jokingly call it “all or nothing.” That is, either the embryo is healthy and viable, and then pregnancy will occur, or the embryo is defective, and it will be removed from the body.

What is a cold

A cold most often refers to a viral infection. Before touching on the problem of colds when conceiving a child, several types of the disease should be distinguished:

  • Common acute respiratory viral infection without fever;
  • ARVI with fever and increased temperature;
  • Flu;
  • Bacterial complications of ARVI - prolonged bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.;
  • Angina.

These illnesses affect the body in different ways. A mild cold mainly affects only the nasopharynx, without leading to changes in the reproductive system. The second and third types have a serious impact on the body’s ability to function normally.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy if you have a cold?

You can plan to conceive when you have a cold, but doctors do not recommend it. Every illness of the expectant mother will certainly affect the baby.

Cold during ovulation

The eggs are reliably protected from all kinds of negative influences, so no diseases will prevent the cells from being fertilized and moving through the fallopian tubes. It should be noted that cells are extremely sensitive to radiation and toxic effects. In other words, taking medications will certainly negatively affect the condition of the egg.

ARVI when conceiving a child

The fetus is susceptible to viral infection literally as soon as it attaches to the wall of the uterus. Therefore, if future parents have ARVI, it is better to postpone conception.

Is it possible to get pregnant with fever?

A woman's temperature does not in any way affect the likelihood of pregnancy. However, when it increases, the doctor prescribes antipyretics, which are dangerous to the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, conception should occur when both partners are ready for it, especially for health reasons.

Flu in early pregnancy

If after conception a fever, cough, runny nose, body aches and other manifestations of the flu begin, then you need to drink plenty of fluids and be treated with medications as prescribed by your doctor. It is also best to stay in bed and be sure to warn your doctor about a possible pregnancy. Later, such a pregnancy will require special attention from doctors.

The most dangerous periods are implantation (5-7 days after fertilization) and 4-13 weeks of pregnancy.

During the period from the first to the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy (that is, until the missed period), the zygote lives autonomously, on its own, and is therefore protected from viruses. But at the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to grow and develop, the fetus depends on the processes occurring in the body. It is during this period from 4 weeks (that is, at the very beginning of pregnancy until the second trimester) that the child’s development occurs under the influence of changes in the mother’s body. Viruses can penetrate the baby's cells and damage them.

If you are just planning a pregnancy and one of your spouses gets sick with the flu or ARVI, it is better to play it safe and postpone conception until next month. Moreover, during pregnancy the number of approved drugs is very limited.

How dangerous is this?

If a woman becomes pregnant during a cold, there is no reason for serious concern. The embryo did not die in the first days of ARVI, which means fertilization went well. Sometimes a strong increase in temperature can cause spontaneous abortion in the first days, but in this case the woman may simply not notice this, since the period in this case is too early. If the pregnancy is not interrupted, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the cold did not affect the condition of the embryo in any way. However, it is better to be a little safe and undergo an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) to identify possible abnormalities.

For a man, a cold at the time of conception is even less critical, since sperm maturation occurs within several weeks. It follows from this that the sperm that fertilized the egg simply did not have time to be exposed to the disease. However, if a man has been ill a few days before conception, it is recommended to have a spermogram first, especially if there has been a significant increase in temperature. Doctors tend to believe that in such cases the quality of sperm maturation and motility decreases. It also makes sense to delay conception a little if one of the parents was treated with antibiotics the day before.

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