Signs of pregnancy on days 25-28 of the cycle
A woman’s first sensations upon pregnancy Conception is a turning point in everyone’s life
infertility tests
Step-by-step examination plan for female and male infertility
High-quality diagnostics and new treatment methods allow 50% of couples with infertility to become parents. How
Performing breast ultrasound
Is it possible to see mastopathy with ultrasound?
Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands in which benign lumps occur as a result of hormonal imbalance.
Phases of the menstrual cycle
Restructuring due to conception or preparation for a new cycle - how does the female body change on the 12th day after ovulation?
Hello Irina. It has long been known that the likelihood of pregnancy does not depend at all on the
Removal of appendages during pregnancy
A woman was able to get pregnant for the first time after having her ovaries removed
Health A woman who thought she would never be able to have children again became pregnant with twins.
HCG during frozen pregnancy
Anembryonia or why the embryo is not visible on ultrasound
Fading pregnancy, or stopping the development of the fetus, occurs most often in the first trimester. The embryo dies
plantain in the forest
Plantain seeds medicinal properties and contraindications in gynecology
How is plantain beneficial for a woman’s health? Plantain is distributed throughout our vast country.
Married couple
Late ovulation with a 28-day cycle - normal or pathological
For many women, late ovulation during a 28-day cycle becomes a serious cause for concern.
How pregnancy occurs - a woman’s feelings, first signs by days, weeks after conception, before menstruation: description, reviews
How does a woman’s body behave after fertilization or conception? First, a fertilized egg, within
Exercises for Endometriosis
Acute and chronic adnexitis: can it be heated?
Until recently, most doctors advised women suffering from endometriosis to limit themselves to sports. IN
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