Is it possible to get pregnant before ovulation?
What is ovulation? A woman's ovaries contain more than a million eggs from birth. After
Why do women have pain in their sacrum before menstruation? Why does the sacrum hurt during menstruation?
Coccyx cyst Coccyx cyst is a serious disease characterized by a pathological change in the tissue in the area
What to do if the dominant follicle does not mature? There are reasons for this and appropriate treatment is required.
Follicles are special round-shaped formations within which eggs mature. Their number is specified
What physical procedures are contraindicated for uterine fibroids?
Briefly about the formation and causes of fibroid development. Under the influence of ovarian hormones, fibroids appear in the myometrium.
Blood from the nipple - causes, diagnosis and treatment
Both women and men can bleed from the nipple. And weak
During ovulation you want to eat a lot
Ovulation is a woman’s opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood. The cyclical nature of the female body ensures regular maturation and
Duphaston - basic information regarding its action, dosage regimens for various pathologies and side effects - everything about diseases of the genital area, their diagnosis, operations, problems of infertility and pregnancy on
Menstrual irregularities after discontinuation of duphaston. How does duphaston affect the regularity of menstruation?
It is widely known that the use of medications during pregnancy, especially in the first months,
how to drink tansy for miscarriage
Tansy for abortion in early and late stages: how to brew and drink the remedy
In almost every antenatal clinic there are posters about the joys of motherhood hanging on the walls.
clasped hands
Is it possible not to use protection after menstruation and how many days is it available?
The menstrual cycle alternates between periods when conception is most likely and when this probability is
Motherwort dosage during pregnancy. Safe use of motherwort during pregnancy
Calmness and tranquility are important conditions for the normal course of pregnancy. However, in nine months it is impossible
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