Where is the cervical canal located?
Tank seeding from the cervical canal, how long is it done?
What is the cervical canal and what is its significance? The channel is a through hole that
Nystatin ointment for thrush in women: instructions for use
Candidiasis is one of the most common diseases of the genital organs. It is accompanied by itching, profuse discharge
If a woman has such a device at home, she is likely to violate the rules of modern medicine.
Douching with chamomile: how to do it at home, where is it used?
≡ Home → Chamomile → Use of chamomile in medicine → Previously, douching with chamomile
Does miramistin help with thrush in women reviews?
Does Miramistin help with thrush in women? How to use? Douching The drug Miramistin was developed
Farted during sex. Why is this happening and what to do?
The reasons and problems present when a woman farts in her vagina are no different from the factors
Thrush after antibiotics? Never! Prevention of thrush when taking antibiotics
Advantages of suppositories In gynecological practice, vaginal suppositories inserted into the vagina are often used. Use of suppositories
What is ovarian atrophy in women and how to treat this disease
Ovarian wasting syndrome - treatment with folk remedies
The ovary is one of the paired glands of the woman’s body. Its task: the production of female sex hormones,
Capsules for Women with Hog uterus and Red brush, Nugget of Russia, 180 caps., Sib-KruK
Unfortunately, at the moment, almost every 3rd family is faced with such a problem as
Ovarian adhesions: signs and clinical picture of the disease, basic treatment methods
Symptoms, causes and methods for eliminating adhesions on the ovaries Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. However
Flora smear – coccal and bacillary infection
Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis develops when the normal ratio of microorganisms in the vagina is disrupted, which is clinically
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