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Can menstruation occur without ovulation?
The life cycle of a female egg ends with menstruation. It represents the output of unfertilized material and “extra”
how to calculate
Women and girls take note! When does ovulation occur in a menstrual cycle of 25 days?
Men often joke about women's logic, but how much do they know about a woman's body?
How long does it take for bleeding to stop when taking duphaston? Duphaston withdrawal bleeding
Causes of bleeding Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a common gynecological diagnosis that is given to women with hormonal
Brown discharge after a smear during pregnancy
A smear is taken for cytological examination during a gynecological examination. It is carried out with the purpose
What causes thrush during menopause?
Causes of the disease Thrush can complicate the course of menopause both for the first time in a woman’s life and
Douching with tar soap. Addition to treatment
Birch tar has long been known for its healing properties. It effectively fights fungi and bacteria, because
8 effective ointments to help relieve itching and skin irritation in intimate places
One of the reasons for the discomfort of a man or woman is itching in the intimate area. His
Brown discharge before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy
Every woman always wants to find out about the pregnancy as early as possible. We are used to that
To whom and in what situation will puncture of an ovarian cyst help?
How follicle puncture occurs during IVF, reviews!
How is follicle puncture performed during IVF After inducing the ovulatory process as part of an IVF cycle
Ozone therapy for infertility: application, effectiveness
The percentage of infertile couples is 8-10% of the total, which is numerically 50-80 million
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