For what female diseases is it used?
How to insert suppositories correctly during pregnancy
How to correctly insert suppositories into the vagina Vaginal suppositories are a fairly popular form of medicinal
What is a placental polyp after medical abortion - treatment and 4 methods of removal
Women are expecting pregnancy, but often life circumstances are such that the birth of a child was not included
woman in panties
What color of genitals is considered normal and can it be changed?
When any pathological vaginal discharge appears, it is necessary to determine the reasons that caused the change in the nature of secretion. ABOUT
Subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth: causes of the phenomenon, symptoms, possible consequences, diagnosis and treatment
Here are the circumstances under which the chances of uterine subinvolution are high: Incomplete exit of the placenta from the cavity.
Why have I not had my period for 2 months, but the pregnancy test is negative, what to do if there is a long delay?
Why have I not had my period for 2 months, but the pregnancy test is negative, what to do if there is a long delay?
Almost every representative of the fair sex has experienced a delay in menstruation at least once in her life.
Doing exercise for uterine fibroids
In the treatment of uterine fibroids, a benign tumor of the myometrium, a variety of techniques are used. The basis
Is it possible for a few days? How to change your menstrual cycle before going on vacation. Bringing the start of your period closer: recipes at home. Basic ways to solve the problem
Recently, many adherents of healthy eating have been talking about maintaining intestinal microflora. Everything is very
Why does odorless yellow discharge appear in women?
(1 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5) Home » Problems 18+ Women notice on the bottom
Klaira for uterine fibroids and endometriosis
Reviews of the use of Qlaira for uterine fibroids and endometriosis
Drug therapy for fibroids is carried out quite successfully using hormonal agents. These include monocomponent
delay 4 days
Why does the test not show pregnancy if you are 4 days late?
Each woman's menstrual cycle is different, but it should always be clear. This is peculiar
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