symptoms of sexual diseases in women
Symptoms of sexual diseases in women: signs, starting with the latent form
Sexual diseases in women are serious pathologies, extremely dangerous with serious consequences if
Middle line on the basal temperature chart
What should be the temperature during ovulation in the anus?
Following proper temperature measurements is important to creating a reliable graph. But making a graph is also important
delayed menstruation after 40 years
The main reasons for delayed menstruation in women over 40 years of age: treatment features
Normally, the menstrual cycle in women begins at 12–13 and ends at 45–60 years,
Brown discharge with a delay in menstruation and a negative test: causes of spotting instead of menstruation
First of all, I want women to confirm to themselves that periods during pregnancy, in the literal sense
screenshot of test results for estradiol in a woman
Causes, signs, ways to normalize elevated estradiol in women
Estradiol is one of the most powerful female sex hormones, produced by ovarian follicles and in
get pregnant using a condom
What is the probability of getting pregnant with condoms: possible chances
Is it possible to get pregnant using a condom? This question worries thousands of people, since the effectiveness of various methods
Location of the cervix
Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix
Squamous cell carcinoma or carcinoma of the cervix is ​​a tumor that develops from the epithelium lining
What is the Schiller test in gynecology?
➤ On our portal you can sign up for the schiller sample service by phone or
Drugs for weight loss after 50 years for a woman during menopause - what really helps?
Postmenopause: drugs that preserve a woman’s beauty
Gynecologists in all developed countries have recommended two main methods for correcting hormonal disorders
Is early menopause dangerous for women aged 30? First symptoms: what you should pay attention to
Is analysis of female hormones so important during menopause Menopause for women is not easy
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