How to insert suppositories correctly during pregnancy

How to insert candles correctly

Vaginal suppositories are a fairly popular form of medication that is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases in women on the advice of a doctor.
They can be produced in factories, as well as by pharmacists with a doctor's prescription. When using this form of the drug, it is important to know how to insert vaginal suppositories correctly. Usually suppositories are administered once or twice a day. Before administering the drug, you should thoroughly wash your hands in warm running water without using soap or intimate hygiene gels. Also prepare vaginal suppositories and pads in advance.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly - doctor's advice

It is better to use vaginal suppositories correctly at night, so that the liquid from the dissolved suppository does not cause trouble. Candles must be inserted in a lying position. Some of the candles are equipped with a special applicator in order to insert the candle correctly and as deeply as possible. For more convenient insertion, you need to pull your knees to your chest and use the applicator to insert the candle as far as possible; the auxiliary device must be pulled back out very slowly and carefully. If there is no applicator, then insert the candle correctly with your finger along its entire length. If the candle is not inserted deeply and correctly, then under the influence of body temperature it will dissolve and flow out.

After inserting the suppository, it is best to lie quietly for 15-20 minutes. This is also necessary to ensure that the contents of the suppository do not leave the vagina. Otherwise there will be no positive action. Then you need to use a gasket. It will be needed to absorb residual discharge from the inserted candle. The latter appear as normal, since even with proper administration, the Vainal suppository practically cannot be completely absorbed.

During treatment with vaginal suppositories, doctors advise not to have sexual intercourse in order to avoid possible re-infection. It’s a good idea if your partner also undergoes examination and tests. This is due to the fact that some men are often carriers of infectious diseases, although they have no external signs of disease.

It is important to remember that any drug may have side effects. You should use vaginal suppositories only when prescribed and advised by a doctor. It is also necessary to know how to insert vaginal suppositories in such a way that they have the maximum therapeutic effect. In addition to generally accepted recommendations, additional requirements may be specified in the instructions for use. For example, some suppositories must be held under running warm water before insertion.

Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy - instructions for use and reviews

In the article we talk about Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy. We tell you why they are prescribed in the early and late stages, instructions for use, the presence of contraindications and side effects. You will find out reviews from doctors and pregnant women about the medication, whether it helps against thrush.

What are Hexicon candles?

Hexicon - suppositories intended for vaginal use. They have a white or white-yellow tint and are made in the shape of a torpedo.

Photo (appearance) of Hexicon candles

1 suppository contains:

  • chlorhexidine bigluconate solution 20% - 85.2 mg;
  • macrohead mixture;
  • polyethylene oxide

The substances included in the drug have an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, providing an effective and gentle effect on the body. Chlorhexidine quickly destroys protozoan microorganisms, which are the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. At the same time, the active components have practically no effect on acid-resistant microflora.

The drug shows the greatest effectiveness in the early stages of treatment and for preventive purposes. The medicine is completely eliminated from the body through the digestive organs along with urine.

Hexicon suppositories begin to act if the level of lactobacilli decreases. The medicine quickly copes with inflammatory processes and reactions by organisms that cause a pathological condition: swelling, itching in the perineum, irritation of the mucous membrane, the appearance of mixed microflora, etc.

The drug has no pronounced activity against fungal infections; for this reason, the use of Hexicon does not entail negative changes in the microflora.

The drug is available without a prescription. Available in cardboard packs. Each package contains 10 suppositories.

Indications for use

Hexicon candles are recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Genital herpes.
  3. The initial stage of syphilis.
  4. Trichomoniasis.
  5. Chlamydia.
  6. Ureaplasmosis.
  7. The presence of an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by purulent or bloody discharge.
  8. Gonorrhea.
  9. Colpitis.
  10. Bacterial vaginosis.
  11. Preparatory processes for childbirth.


The average cost of the drug is 270 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

Can it be used by pregnant women?

During pregnancy, most medications are prohibited. That is why expectant mothers are wondering whether Hexicon suppositories can be used during pregnancy and how they will affect the baby in the womb.

Suppositories can be used during pregnancy, as they are completely safe for the expectant mother and do not have any effect on the fetus. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity becomes weaker, especially in the first trimester. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg can attach to the wall of the uterus and not be rejected by the body.

Due to decreased immunity, the expectant mother can quickly get sick. Diseases of the genitourinary system often worsen at this time. In the absence of treatment or incorrectly administered therapy, the risk of infection of the fetus increases. That is why it is important to seek qualified help as quickly as possible.

The main recommendations for the use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy are:

  • presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • if a pregnant woman has vaginosis or sexually transmitted diseases, then Hexicon is used to disinfect the vagina on the eve of childbirth;
  • disturbance of the vaginal microflora after therapy for fungal or bacterial infections;
  • preventive measures after childbirth when suturing to prevent suppuration and inflammation.

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the drug, during pregnancy, has a selective effect on pathogenic flora without absorption into the body and penetration into the general bloodstream. This means that it does not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, Hexicon suppositories can be used only after a doctor’s prescription. This is due to the fact that during this period, the formation of all systems and organs of the fetus occurs, so the use of any medicine can negatively affect the process.

According to the instructions for the drug, its use in the early stages of pregnancy is completely safe for the expectant mother and fetus.

Hexicon is one of the only approved drugs for vaginal use in pregnant women in the 1st trimester. This is due to the fact that the medication has a local effect and does not penetrate the bloodstream.

In addition, the action of the medicine is aimed at improving the vaginal microflora, which is also important during pregnancy.

Hexicon suppositories are safe to use at any stage of pregnancy

In the later stages

You can use Hexicon in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the drug is recommended for both the treatment and prevention of sexual ailments.

The instructions indicate that the medicine can be used at any stage of gestation. But at the same time, you need to understand that during pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes a number of changes, so there is no 100% guarantee that the medicine will not cause side effects.

How and where to insert it correctly

Hexicon suppositories are intended for intravaginal use; they are inserted into the vagina. The usual treatment regimen involves administering 1 suppository twice a day (morning and evening). The duration of therapy is usually 7-10 days, but can be extended or reduced on an individual basis.

If, after the therapeutic course, the pregnant woman has pathological discharge again, treatment can be extended for another 10 days (total 20 days).

To prevent sexually transmitted infections, use 1 suppository after unprotected sex. In this case, the drug should be used within 2 hours after unprotected sex.

When directly prescribed before childbirth, it is used for five days at night.

What to replace

If you are intolerant to Hexicon, you must replace it with a similar drug. But which one exactly? Only a doctor will tell you about this, based on the tests and the well-being of the pregnant woman.

In certain cases, analogues of Hexicon are:

  • Miramistin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Epigen spray.

At the same time, there is no alternative to Hexicon in the early stages of pregnancy.

Hexicon suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers develop thrush, which is caused by the Candida fungus. The causative agents of candidiasis can be found even in the healthy microflora of the vagina. But under the influence of certain processes, for example, a sharp increase in vaginal acidity, these pathogens are activated, which causes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

The increase in acidity of the vaginal microflora is affected by:

  • nervous tension and stressful situations;
  • changing the diet with increasing consumption of sweet, flour and confectionery products;
  • infectious diseases;
  • taking certain medications, such as steroids, antibiotics, or hormones;
  • lack of vitamins in the body.

Under the influence of these factors, the active proliferation of yeast fungi that causes thrush begins. This pathology significantly worsens the quality of life of a pregnant woman, as she experiences regular itching in the perineum and discharge with an unpleasant odor.

For therapy, suppositories are used that neutralize the proliferation of fungi. At the same time, Hexicon cannot stop fungal proliferation, but it can affect other infections that provoke the development of candidiasis. The duration of treatment and dosage of the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on tests.

The drug can be used only as prescribed by a doctor.


The only prohibition for using suppositories is the presence of individual intolerance. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of itching and allergic rashes, which disappear after discontinuation of the medication.

The drug is considered relatively safe, but in some cases, during its use, vaginal discharge containing blood may be observed. This feature indicates that the pregnant woman has an allergy to the drug or other contraindications.

Changing the dose and frequency of use of Hexicon may lead to similar reactions. Also, if a pregnant woman has an increased level of leukocytes in the blood, then the appearance of pale pink or brown vaginal secretion is normal.

Discharge in a pregnant woman when using Hexicon often means the presence of bacterial vaginosis or indicates placental abruption. That is why you should immediately report this condition to your doctor.

Despite the fact that the drug fights thrush, sometimes it causes its development. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to select adequate treatment.


Valentina, gynecologist

Hexicon suppositories are an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of genital diseases. They can be used both in the early and late stages of pregnancy. The main advantage of the drug is its safety for both the fetus and the pregnant woman.

Inga, therapist

During pregnancy, you should be more careful about your health. First, visit your gynecologist regularly. Secondly, minimize communication with sick people. And if thrush suddenly appears in a pregnant woman, then in some cases Hexicon suppositories can suppress it.

Irina, 22 years old

In the 1st trimester I used Hexicon suppositories, after which spotting appeared. I immediately informed the doctor about this, it turned out that I was allergic to them.

Svetlana, 31 years old

In the 2nd trimester I used Hexicon suppositories to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. I would like to immediately warn you that you need to use panty liners when using this drug. The morning after using them, fluid leaked from my perineum.

Remember, any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage of its development. Therefore, do not delay treatment, immediately consult a doctor for help. Hexicon perfectly disinfects the vagina, which is especially important before childbirth, and also allows you to cope with other ailments of the genitourinary system. But the products can only be used for their intended purpose. Take care of yourself!

: How to cure thrush


How to place vaginal suppositories

Typically, vaginal suppositories include, in addition to medications, a base that allows you to give it the desired shape. The base can be either gelatin-glycerin or consist of cocoa butter, paraffin and vegetable or animal fats. Therefore, manufacturers recommend storing many suppositories in the refrigerator, and when inserting, do not hold them in your hands for long, so that they do not spread due to body temperature even before insertion.

Before inserting some suppositories, according to the instructions, you need to soak them under running water for 10-30 seconds; other vaginal suppositories are prescribed to be inserted into the vagina using a special applicator. Most candles are inserted with the index finger as deeply as possible without additional devices. For more comfortable insertion, you can place one leg on a chair and squat slightly.

At a dosage of 1 suppository per day, the suppository should be inserted into the vagina in the evening before bedtime. Overnight, the drug will dissolve under the influence of body temperature, and in the morning it will be released from the genital tract in the form of thick residues or liquid. If you have been prescribed a course of treatment of 2 suppositories a day, then in the morning, immediately after waking up, place a vaginal suppository. To prevent excessive discharge from a dissolved suppository from causing discomfort, use a disposable pad.

Doctors recommend stopping sexual intercourse and not resuming contact until the end of the course of treatment to prevent re-infection. Typically, a man may not show any symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, but he remains a source of infection. Therefore, for some diseases, tests and treatment should be done in pairs. It would seem that all girls without exception know how to use such a common dosage form as suppositories. However, this is not the case, and very often, especially among young girls, the question arises about how to insert vaginal suppositories and do it correctly. Let's consider this manipulation in more detail.

How to use vaginal suppositories correctly: advice from gynecologists

As a rule, this form of the drug is usually used 1-2 times a day. Before carrying out the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with water and do not use pH neutral soap or intimate hygiene products.

In order to insert the vaginal suppository correctly, you must take a horizontal position. Then, with one hand, grab both legs bent at the knees and bring them to your chest. After this, using a special applicator that comes with the drug, you need to insert the suppository as deeply as possible. The applicator must be removed slowly and smoothly.

If you don’t have an applicator at hand, you can do without it. In this case, it is necessary to perform all the same actions as described above. The candle is inserted using the index finger, along its entire length. Otherwise, it will completely dissolve under the influence of body temperature and flow out.

How to properly use suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy + videos and reviews

Almost every pregnant woman is familiar with the term “hypertonicity of the uterus.” Although this phenomenon is quite common, it is not a normal option and poses a danger to the course of pregnancy, including its premature termination.

Fortunately, modern medicine has a large arsenal of drugs that can effectively relieve tension in the uterine muscles. Among them are the long-known and widely used Papaverine suppositories.

Like any medicine, this drug can be used by a pregnant woman only as prescribed by a doctor, however, it is useful for every expectant mother to know all the nuances of its effect on the body and the basic rules of use.

Can Papaverine suppositories be used by an expectant mother?

Papaverine rectal suppositories are the most popular doctor’s prescription for uterine hypertonicity

Although Papaverine hydrochloride is actively prescribed by gynecologists to pregnant women for both outpatient and inpatient treatment, the instructions for the drug interpret its use during gestation (bearing a child) ambiguously.

According to the recommendations provided by the manufacturer, the safety of using Papaverine by expectant mothers has not been established.

Of course, this circumstance, combined with a doctor’s prescription that has already been received, will confuse a woman who is conscious about the use of medications during pregnancy.

It should be noted that clinical studies of the effectiveness and safety of the use of the drug Papaverine in pregnant women have not really been conducted. Nevertheless, the long-term practice of using Papaverine clearly demonstrates its positive effect on the course of pregnancy and, at the same time, complete safety for the fetus.

Papaverine suppositories are prescribed at any stage of pregnancy if a woman has or is suspected of having the following conditions:

  1. Uterine hypertonicity is the most common diagnosis made during pregnancy. Hypertonicity is tension in the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), which can occur for a number of reasons (stress, excessive physical activity, hormonal reasons, etc.) and can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.
  2. Arterial hypertension - a persistent increase in blood pressure - is a fairly common phenomenon in late pregnancy.
  3. Colic (liver, kidney, intestinal, etc.) is sudden, cramping pain caused by muscle spasm.
  4. Bronchospasm is a pathological narrowing of the bronchi.
  5. Severe increase in body temperature (in such cases, Papaverine is used as part of a lytic mixture).

The doctor talks about uterine hypertonicity - video

Papaverine can also have a positive effect on constipation if it is caused by muscle spasms (spastic constipation). For atonic constipation, which is caused by a decrease in intestinal muscle tone, Papaverine will only worsen the situation.

The drug Papaverine is produced in several pharmaceutical forms:

  • solution for injections;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • pills.

During pregnancy, Papaverine is most often prescribed in the form of suppositories. This form has a number of advantages:

  • convenience and versatility of independent use by a woman;
  • complete and rapid absorption of the drug through the rectum;
  • increased therapeutic effect due to the proximity of the uterus.

Each Papaverine rectal suppository contains 20 mg of active ingredient.

The active substance of this product is papaverine hydrochloride, a myotropic antispasmodic. In this regard, the drug acts in two directions:

  1. Relieving tension in the smooth muscles of internal organs (the product affects not only the uterus, but also the organs of other systems - urinary, digestive, respiratory).
  2. Vasodilation and increased blood flow, due to which the drug is able to reduce blood pressure (hypotensive effect).

With regular use of Papaverine, women note its calming effect - the level of anxiety is significantly reduced, the heart rate is stabilized, which has the most positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

The mechanism of action of the drug in the form of rectal suppositories is as follows:

  1. The suppository, after being placed in the rectum, melts under the influence of body temperature.
  2. The active substance is instantly absorbed into the blood.
  3. In blood plasma, papaverine binds to proteins.
  4. The bloodstream carries papaverine to all systems and organs of a woman, including the muscle tissue of the uterus.
  5. The active substance of the drug has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles.
  6. Papaverine is excreted from the body by the kidneys in the form of metabolites (metabolic intermediate products).

Rules and scheme of use of the drug

The treatment regimen with Papaverine during pregnancy is prescribed only by a doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and the diagnosis. As a rule, the duration of taking the drug is 2–3 weeks, the daily dose is 2–4 suppositories. The doses of the drug are distributed evenly throughout the day.

It is important to remember that Papaverine suppositories are produced only for rectal use - they should under no circumstances be used vaginally.

The rules for administering rectal suppositories are as follows:

  1. Before inserting the suppository, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Since candles melt very quickly upon contact with your hands, before opening the blister, you can hold the unopened candle in the refrigerator or under running cold water for some time.
  3. It is convenient to use disposable gloves or finger caps to administer the suppository.
  4. It is better to administer the drug while lying on your side.
  5. The candle must be placed behind the muscle sphincter, pushing it 2.5–5 cm deep.
  6. After administering the product, it is better to lie on your side for a few more minutes to avoid leakage.
  7. After completing the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly.
    It is most convenient to insert rectal suppositories in a lying position

As a rule, suppositories with Papaverine are easily tolerated by pregnant women, however, in isolated cases (with prolonged and uncontrolled use), the following side effects may occur:

  • redness and itching of the skin (allergic reaction);
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • nausea.

Rectal suppositories with Papaverine are contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions and diseases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • glaucoma;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • AV block (atrioventricular block).

Papaverine should be used with caution in cases of adrenal dysfunction, hypothyroidism and arterial hypotension (low blood pressure).

What can replace suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy?

The only complete analogues of rectal suppositories with Papaverine are preparations of other pharmaceutical forms of release - tablets and solution for injection.

If we talk about drugs with similar effects, then in modern gynecology such drugs as No-shpa, Magne B6, Utrozhestan are used.

Their effect is based on the antispasmodic properties of other active ingredients.

Drugs that help relax the muscle tissue of the uterus during pregnancy, pictured

Utrozhestan is a hormonal drug based on natural progesterone Magne B6 is a drug often prescribed during pregnancy, in particular for hypertonicity of the uterus No-shpa is an antispasmodic that has proven itself to be a positive antispasmodic over many years of use Papaverine in tablets is a complete analogue of the same drug in the form of rectal candles

Reviews from women about the product

During the first trimester of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with “Threatened miscarriage.” A huge number of medications were prescribed. One of them was Papaverine Hydrochloride suppositories. I took them every day at night, and in the first days even in the morning and at lunchtime. The doctor said that I simply had to put a candle on at night, and in the morning and at lunch - depending on how I felt.

Although, it’s strange, what if I differentiate my condition incorrectly? The action of papaverine begins almost five minutes after administration. This is because it is so fast because there are a huge number of blood vessels in the rectum. And the medicine is absorbed directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

In which, by the way, the medicine may linger and begin to act later if, for example, you have just eaten. The instructions say that there may be constipation. Did not have. Maybe a decrease in blood pressure. Blood pressure almost always decreased. Sometimes it was so strong that I had to lie down for several hours after taking the suppositories.

I think it’s a plus that suppositories with papaverine help in complex treatment to remove the diagnosis of “threat”. I recommend it if prescribed by a doctor.


Papaverine suppositories were prescribed during the first pregnancy. The first time I was prescribed these suppositories was when I was five months old, because my uterus very often began to tone up. I am very grateful to these candles, thanks to them I almost reached my due date (labor began a week earlier).

I put one candle a day from five months to nine, when my stomach ached and was very hard, I put two candles a day - in the morning and in the evening. Some girls refused them because they felt good.

I did not neglect the doctor’s prescriptions, because from six months there was a threat of premature birth.


Girls, I was in the hospital with a tone - they prescribed Papaverine suppositories. I used it - a white and blue box. They are difficult to open, even very difficult, but I was satisfied with the quality - no problems with insertion.

When I left the hospital, I needed to continue the course, so I went to the pharmacy and bought it, but it turned out to be a different company - Biosintez. I didn't attach any importance to this.

But at home... okay, they are also difficult to open, this has become habitual, but the composition itself, or how to put it correctly - everything crumbled in my palm when I opened it! I couldn't enter THIS.

I started opening a new candle - the same mess - only half remained intact! Just some kind of nightmare. When this pack ran out, the new one turned out to be the same - there was no other one in the pharmacy. My God, they also crumbled into rubbish! I will never buy again!


I was going through my medicine cabinet and found the drug Papaverine, and immediately remembered how often I used these suppositories during pregnancy to relieve tone.

I bought this drug in packs, since I often had uterine tone, and I was even in conservancy a couple of times because of this.

I was given drops and injections of various drugs to relieve tone, and in combination with these drugs, my doctor constantly prescribed me Papaverinepo suppositories twice a day.

And even when I myself felt a slight tone and called my doctor, the first thing she told me was to use this drug. As much as I used this drug, I never noticed any side effects. Conclusion: Papaverine is a good and proven drug


How to insert and insert vaginal suppositories correctly? Doctors' advice

Vaginal suppositories are one of the dosage forms that are quite popular nowadays. Vaginal suppositories are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. Today we will present you the answer to the question - how to properly insert vaginal suppositories. What is the advice of doctors on this issue.

  • As a rule, doctors prescribe the use of vaginal suppositories once, maximum twice a day. Before inserting a candle, a woman should wash her hands thoroughly with plain soap, then rinse well with running water. You should immediately prepare the candles and gasket.
  • The time for inserting a vaginal suppository is in the evening before bedtime. This is necessary so that the liquid from the dissolved candle does not leak onto the laundry. The candle is inserted while lying on your back with your buttocks raised. Some suppositories are equipped with a special applicator device that helps insert the suppository to the maximum depth.
  • To make it convenient to insert the candle, you need to bend your knees, pull them up to your chest, pick up the applicator with the candle and insert it into the vagina as far as possible, as deep as possible. The accessory must be pulled out slowly and very carefully.
  • If there is no auxiliary device, then you can simply insert it with your finger along the entire length of the finger. If the candle is inserted incorrectly and shallowly, the candle will dissolve under the influence of body temperature and leak out onto the laundry.
  • After the administration procedure is completed, the woman should remain in a lying position for another 20 minutes, then the melted candle will not leave the body and will produce the desired effect.
  • After insertion of the suppository, residual discharge appears, which is normal - a vaginal suppository, even with completely correct insertion, is not completely absorbed into the vaginal tissue. And therefore here you need to use the prepared gasket.
  • After 20 minutes have passed, the woman can get up. However, it is better to stay in bed until the morning, then the effect will be best.
  • In the process of treatment with the help of vaginal suppositories, as gynecologists say. It is undesirable to have sexual intercourse, as there is a possibility of re-infection. It is even better if the woman’s sexual partner also completes the full course of treatment, at least passes the necessary tests and undergoes an examination. This is due to the fact that it is often men who are carriers of the infection, but do not suspect it, since they do not observe external signs of the disease.
  • It should also be remembered that every medicinal drug has side effects and undesirable effects.
  • The use of vaginal suppositories is allowed only after the recommendation of a gynecologist.
  • Some vaginal suppositories have their own application characteristics, so you should always carefully read the instructions included with the medicine package.


The intravaginal method of administering medications has several contraindications:

  1. critical days , except in cases of treatment of progesterone deficiency for infertility;
  2. neoplasms in the vagina, cervical canal and uterine cavity;
  3. with caution: during pregnancy .

Note! Contraindications include the absence of a doctor’s prescription! Self-medication is strictly forbidden, as it can disrupt the reproductive function of the female body.

Video: using vaginal suppositories.

Medicinal suppositories

Suppositories for insertion into the rectum are widely used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems. Suppositories are often used for hemorrhoids, which reduce pain, reduce knots and relieve itching. This method of taking medication has many positive qualities compared to tablets. How to insert candles correctly will be described below.

The drug contained in the suppositories immediately enters the bloodstream, that is, it acts much faster and much more efficiently. In addition, rectal use of medications does not have a negative effect on the digestive system (especially if there is a need to take a large dosage). But sometimes suppositories are still not recommended for medical reasons. These are severe forms of hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures and other diseases.

For what female diseases is it used?

The intravaginal method of administering the drug is used for many gynecological diseases:

  1. bacterial vaginosis;
  2. candidiasis (thrush);
  3. inflammatory diseases (endometriosis, endometritis);
  4. trichomoniasis colpitis;
  5. vulvovaginitis;
  6. progesterone deficiency;
  7. menstrual irregularities;
  8. infertility;
  9. premature menopause;

Introduction of rectal suppositories

How to insert candles correctly? The treatment technique with rectal suppositories is quite simple, but those who have never encountered this form of medication may experience difficulties. Before properly inserting a suppository into the rectum, you need to wash and dry your hands well. Your hands should not be hot because the candle will melt too quickly. For this reason, it is recommended to keep the medicine in the refrigerator or under cool tap water for several minutes before starting the procedure. But the candle should not be too cold, because this can lead to unpleasant sensations.

How to insert suppositories rectally into yourself? The candle should be removed from its packaging when it becomes a little warmer. If the doctor prescribed only half of the suppository, you need to cut the medicine lengthwise using a clean knife. When inserting, it is better to use clean medical gloves. You need to take care of their availability in advance. For ease of insertion and minimal discomfort, it is advisable to lubricate the sharp end of the candle with cream (baby or special lubricant). It is not recommended to use Vaseline for this. If you don’t have a suitable product at hand, you can usually use vegetable oil. If you don’t have anything like that at hand, just moisten the anus with plain water.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids

According to statistics, about 50-70% of expectant mothers suffer from hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories are considered the most harmless form of medication during this period. But you should know that not all of them can be used by a pregnant woman.

The following rectal suppositories are most often prescribed for pregnant women for hemorrhoids:

  • Relief - used for internal and external hemorrhoids, the presence of cracks and wounds of the anus. In addition, according to reviews, during pregnancy, Relief suppositories helped many women relieve pain and stop bleeding from the anus.
  • Suppositories with propolis - quickly relieve itching and pain, promote healing of anal fissures.
  • Proctosan – has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant and drying effect.
  • Ichthyol suppositories - eliminate inflammation, but are effective only in the initial stage of hemorrhoids.
  • Natalsid - relieve swelling, eliminate itching, burning and pain. Most effective in the initial stage of the disease.

Like other medications for pregnant women, suppositories should only be chosen by a specialist. In addition, it is important that the woman strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations or the instructions of the medication, and does not exceed the dose of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment.

Introduction of vaginal suppositories

In gynecology, suppositories and tablets for local action are also widely used, which must be inserted into the vagina. How to properly insert suppositories into the vagina? Before the procedure, you should wash your hands and perineal area very thoroughly without using aggressive detergents. It is better to insert vaginal suppositories at night, doing this in bed. Some medications are sold with an applicator that allows you to introduce the drug and advance it to the required depth correctly.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly? For convenience, you need to take a lying position, pull your knees to your chest and insert the applicator, with which you push the suppository into the vagina. The applicator must be removed very carefully and without haste. In the absence of a special applicator, you need to insert the candle with your fingers as far as possible. If the injection is shallow, the medicine will simply leak out.

After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least 30 minutes. The candles are not completely absorbed, so for hygienic purposes you will need to use a napkin or sanitary pad. During therapy, it is better to abstain from sexual relations to avoid re-infection. The partner also needs to be examined, because in men this kind of disease is often asymptomatic.

Execution technique: features and nuances

The administration of contrast and other substances for the purpose of examination is carried out in a gynecological chair. In other cases, the equipment is used at home.

Important! All manipulations should be carried out with pre-washed hands.

Technique for introducing suppositories and tablets intravaginally:

  • toilet the external genital tract (not necessary, but desirable);
  • lie down on a flat surface;
  • raise your hips by bending your knees;
  • release the candle from the shell or remove the tablet from the blister;
  • use the index finger of your right hand to insert the drug into the vagina with pushing movements;
  • lie down for a couple of minutes , assessing the presence of discomfort in the genital area;
  • When administered correctly, the product does not cause any discomfort and does not “fall out ” of the cavity.

Attention! The finger can be replaced with a special applicator included in the packaging of the medical product. The applicator is used according to the same principle.

Technique for introducing ointments and gels into the vagina:

  • Wash the hands;
  • Draw the liquid into a special syringe or applicator;
  • Take a horizontal position ;
  • Spreading your legs, insert the tip into the vagina 5–7 cm ;
  • Squeeze the contents of the syringe or applicator into the vaginal cavity;
  • After administering the drug, it is recommended to lie down so that the product is evenly distributed throughout the mucous membranes.

Note! The medicine should be taken as much as indicated in the instructions or in the recommendation from the doctor.

Also, when using the intravaginal technique, you should use sanitary pads attached to the woman’s underwear. All products contain glycerin, which tends to melt and leak.

Vaginal tablets: how to administer

Vaginal tablets eliminate gynecological diseases or are intended to protect against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs are in solid form. Before using the tablets, you need to wash your hands; if your nails are long, it is advisable to wear medical gloves. The tablet should be moistened with water. The medicine is administered in a lying or squatting position as deep as possible into the vagina. After administration, it is advisable to lie down for at least 15 minutes. If the doctor has prescribed you to take the tablet at night, then you should not get out of bed.

Birth control pills contain substances that destroy the sperm membrane, which leads to the inability of male reproductive cells to conceive. These substances dissolve and form a film on the mucous membrane. The film forms a thick plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. So, tablets are considered a barrier protection. Such contraceptives should be administered immediately before sex. It is important to follow all instructions and recommendations of the doctor. After administration, do not wash your face for 30-60 minutes.


Medicines in the form of suppositories or tablets in the vagina are prescribed for discharge, itching and burning, and unpleasant odor. In addition, this form of drug administration can be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. If there is heavy discharge, it is recommended to first rinse the vagina for the effect of using the medicine. But you cannot use detergents with aggressive ingredients.

Introducing suppositories to young children

How to insert candles correctly for small children? Here the procedure is slightly different. The child needs to be placed on his back and his legs raised up with one hand. With the second hand, the suppository is inserted into the rectum. It is better to first lubricate the outside of the anus with a small amount of baby cream or oil. The medicine should be used after bowel movements so that the suppository does not pass out with the stool. It is better for very young children to administer suppositories during sleep.

Prescribing rectal suppositories for children

Children are often prescribed rectal suppositories because this is a gentle form of the drug. They are even prescribed to newborns to reduce fever during illness. Suppositories are very effective, although the procedure cannot be called pleasant. To prevent the baby from crying, you need to distract him with a toy or turn on a cartoon. It is very important to think about the risk-benefit ratio when using suppositories. It may make sense to relieve the child of an extra dose of the drug if the body can cope on its own.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly?

Gynecologists recommend their patients to insert vaginal suppositories to treat delicate diseases. Suppositories are very convenient for a wide variety of ailments. Their use has rapidly gained popularity because they allow active substances to act on the source of infection faster than those found, for example, in tablets.

Some girls have absolutely no reason to be afraid of using vaginal suppositories. After all, proper use of this remedy is completely painless.

Important instructions for use

Medicines of this type are usually used 1-2 times a day. Be prepared to have to take a horizontal position and lie down for about an hour. Some vaginal tablets leak if you stand up immediately after insertion. In general, administering suppositories is not difficult at all. It is enough to follow simple tips.

Before inserting the candle, you must wash yourself with an antibacterial agent and wash your hands thoroughly.

If the kit includes an applicator, then administer the medicine using this particular aid. It is very comfortable. The applicator will easily allow you to push the suppository inside to the desired depth.

If you don’t have an applicator, then it’s also not difficult to figure out how to insert a vaginal suppository into the vagina. Try to push the tablet as far as possible with your fingers. Shallowly inserted suppositories melt and flow out quickly.

Some doctors recommend that when inserting a suppository vaginally, bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. This will allow the suppository to be inserted deeply enough.

For the neck

Special suppositories are inserted into the cervix, which have a shape very different from the usual one characteristic of all vaginal suppositories. Cervical suppositories have the shape of a stick with a rounded end. This structure greatly facilitates the insertion of a suppository into the cervix. Many women are concerned about the question of whether a candle can get into the uterus? Such fears are in vain.

The cervix has a very narrow lumen, which widens only at the time of birth, when the baby passes through the birth canal. The rest of the time, the cervix is ​​reliably protected by a special plug. When introducing vaginal suppositories, the entire emphasis is not on getting the suppository into the uterus, but on getting the medicinal substance there along with the blood flow, since the blood supply system of the vagina and uterus is common.

Sometimes doctors suggest inserting vaginal suppositories not into the vagina, but into the rectum. It is believed that in this case the active substance will reach the uterus faster. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina if the inflammatory process has affected both the vagina and the uterus. However, each route of administration has its pros and cons, and the choice of treatment method remains with the doctor.

Symptoms of delicate diseases

Suppositories should be used if the following symptoms are present:

  • burning in the vaginal area;
  • itching in the intimate area;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • skin redness;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • green, brown, yellow, cheesy discharge.

These unpleasant phenomena serve only as indicators of the underlying disease. The doctor prescribes tests to clarify the source of the infection. As a rule, the patient must undergo a general blood and urine test, as well as a smear for flora. The latter is produced from the urethra, cervix or vaginal mucosa.

Suppositories for the treatment of gynecological diseases are produced both in the standard type and in the form of vaginal tablets. We need to take a closer look at the most well-known drugs.

Remember that only a doctor prescribes medicine and prescribes dosage! Don't self-medicate! This is dangerous to your health!

List of tablet suppositories

You should pay attention to how to properly insert vaginal suppositories of this type. In addition to the recommendations common to all drugs, there is a separate rule for such drugs: the tablet should be lightly moistened with cold boiled water before use. This facilitates administration and accelerates dissolution.

The most popular means are:

  1. Terzhinan. A combined antifungal and antibacterial drug, available in the form of vaginal tablets. Active ingredients: ternidazole, neomycin sulfate and nystatin. In addition to the active ingredients, the composition includes: lactose, sodium starch, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and wheat starch. Indications for use are the following diseases: vaginitis of various etiologies and bacterial vaginosis. In addition, these tablets are used before surgical interventions in the pelvic area. These suppositories have a pronounced antibacterial, trichomonacid, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect.
  2. Polygenax. These are vaginal capsules intended for the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections of the female genital organs. They are especially often used to treat thrush (candidiasis), vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, and fungal nonspecific vaginitis. In addition, the drug is prescribed to patients with reduced immunity for the prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases and for the sanitation of the genital tract before childbirth, abortion or cervical surgery.
  3. Klion. Tablets for insertion into the vagina are white. One end is pointed and the other is slightly rounded. This form is provided so that the patient does not have a question about how to place a vaginal suppository: the drug can be easily inserted inside with the sharp end. It contains miconazole and metronidazole, and the following excipients are povidone, tartaric acid, sodium lauryl sulfate and some others. The drug is used in the treatment of thrush and vaginitis of a nonspecific nature, and is characterized by effective antiprotozoal, antifungal, and antibacterial effects.
  4. Gynoflor. Usually prescribed by a gynecologist after basic therapy to completely restore the microflora of the female genital organs. The main component is Lactobacilli bacteria, which inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The hormone estriol, also included in the composition, promotes the regeneration of damaged vaginal tissue.
  5. Neo-Penotran. Available in the form of a flat body with a rounded end. Cream or white. The composition contains metronidazole, which provides antitrichomoniacal, antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects. Active against many pathogenic bacteria, such as anaerobic microorganisms, streptococci and some types of pathogenic fungi.
  6. Intimasi. The drug contains exclusively vitamin C. It is used as part of rehabilitation therapy after treatment of the underlying disease. Helps improve the natural protective functions of the body and normalize the microflora of the female reproductive system.

Gynecologists agree that there is no fundamental difference in what kind of suppositories to use: the regular type or the tablet type. In any case, only the correctly used drug can achieve the desired effect.

Conventional suppositories are recommended to be slightly warmed in your hand, without removing them from the individual packaging, before inserting into the vagina. You can’t hold it for too long, the candle shouldn’t melt, just warm it in your palm for 1-2 minutes.

Treatment regimen

The cause of inflammation of the vagina can be chlamydia, mycoplasma and viruses. The peculiarity of the course of such infections lies in the fact that in most cases they do not have pronounced symptoms and treatment must begin when the disease has become chronic.

In this case, using candles is an ideal option. Local preparations can have very different compositions; an indispensable condition is that they all begin to act at a temperature equal to the temperature of the human body.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, antibacterial, immunocorrective, and antiseptic suppositories are used. A certain effect is expected from each drug. Very often, treatment with suppositories is carried out with parallel taking of tablets, in this way the beneficial effect of therapy is increased. Taking drugs together stops the growth of pathological microorganisms faster.

Hormonal suppositories contain estrogens, which are very often necessary to solve some women's health problems. The last stage of treatment necessarily includes the use of suppositories to restore the vaginal microflora.

Consistent use of different types of suppositories allows you to completely restore all parts of the reproductive system to a healthy state. First of all, with the help of suppositories it is necessary to eliminate inflammation of the endometrium.

Treatment of the uterus and appendages does not begin without a preliminary examination. First you need to find out what condition the endometrium and fallopian tubes are in, how deeply the structures are affected by the inflammatory process.

To obtain the data necessary for treatment, scrapings and smears are taken. If indicated, a histological examination of uterine tissue is performed. Only after this is treatment prescribed and it is always combined, that is, it includes suppositories and tablets or capsules.

Suppositories act locally, tablets act on inflammation through the blood. Most often, the infection enters the pelvic organs through the ascending route, so all parts of the reproductive system have to be treated for inflammation.

First of all, antibacterial suppositories are used; they contain antibiotics. The task of these vaginal suppositories is to suppress the development of pathogenic flora. In parallel with the suppositories, the patient takes antibiotic tablets.

When fighting fungi, suppositories are used that contain nystatin, clotrimazole, etc. The main advantage of this treatment method is that the vagina has a large number of blood vessels, so the drug quickly enters the bloodstream. The course of treatment at the first stage is ten days. There are no special rules when using suppositories with antibiotics.

Brief overview of standard suppositories

It is recommended to pay attention to the following medications:

  1. Pimafucin. A very popular drug. It is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of thrush (candidiasis), for sanitation of the genital tract before natural childbirth or surgery in the pelvic area. Active against yeast fungi, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the macrolide group.
  2. Livarol is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of acute and recurrent candidiasis. White, cream or gray suppositories contain ketoconazole. Often used to prevent infections of the reproductive system against the background of reduced immunity.
  3. Nystatin. One of the cheapest suppositories. Used in the treatment of thrush and some fungal diseases. They have a number of unpleasant side effects, for example, they often cause vaginal dysbiosis, which requires additional therapy.
  4. Iodoxide. Used in complex therapy of various diseases of the female intimate area. Suppositories enhance the effect of some antibacterial drugs, help restore damaged vaginal mucosa, and have a powerful antiseptic effect.
  5. Fluomizin. The medicine has a very wide spectrum of action. Effective against both fungal and bacterial infections, such as Candida and many types of streptococci. Cannot be used before sexual activity begins.

Recommendations from experts to help

About 70% of obstetricians and gynecologists prefer the intravaginal method of drug administration. In their opinion, this method is much more effective in the treatment of gynecological pathology than the oral or rectal method.

In order for the treatment to bring a positive result, doctors strongly recommend following certain rules:

  • For treatment , medications prescribed by a doctor .
  • “Traditional medicine” and other medicinal substances not intended for this purpose inside the vagina
  • After inserting the suppositories, you must lie down for at least 20 minutes so that the product does not leak out, but is completely absorbed into the vaginal mucosa.
  • When using suppositories and tablets intravaginally, there are no restrictions on taking other medications in an alternative way .
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