Hexicon suppositories instructions for use in gynecology for thrush
Hexicon suppositories instructions for use in gynecology for thrush
Description, release forms A medicinal product with pronounced antiseptic properties is produced in several forms at once.
Myoma node
Submucous fibroids: the insidiousness of the pathology, treatment features
Submocotic fibroids are one of the most insidious manifestations of the disease. Located in the uterine cavity, such
fibroids on the anterior wall of the uterus
Why does cervical fibroid occur and how to treat it?
One of the most common tumors of the genital organs in women is fibroids on the anterior
Periods every two weeks
If your period comes every 10-14 days, what are the reasons?
Menstrual irregularities are a phenomenon that quite often becomes a cause of anxiety for many
How long should menstruation be late to determine pregnancy?
To know how and when to take a test, you need to understand how it works. Also
Milky smell of discharge. White discharge in women with a slight sour odor
Vaginal discharge is a normal physiological process that should not cause concern to you.
Why do you crave something sweet and salty at the same time before your period?
Each of us has at least once uttered phrases like “I have such a glutton before my period,
hormone replacement therapy
Hormone replacement therapy - a European method of treatment
Hormone therapy - hormone replacement therapy - is the most effective method of treating diseases and conditions associated with
Vaginal microflora. Why do we need bacteria?
Did you know that: 30% of women have been diagnosed with “inflammatory diseases of the genital organs”; 20%
Chronic salpingoophoritis and pregnancy: risk factors and prevention
Salpingoophoritis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the uterine appendages, which can be complicated by purulent processes leading to
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