Diagram of the structure of the mammary gland
Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands - treatment
Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, characterized by pathological proliferation of connective tissue, pain and
How to stop long periods at home and the reasons for everyone and women after 45 years
A woman after 45 years of age with the onset of menopause faces various changes from female
Severe headaches before menstruation after 40 years
Signs of a headache during menstruation If a woman has her period, she has a headache and nausea, and
woman with eyelash extensions
Is it possible to get eyelash extensions during menstruation: all the pros and cons
An expensive, fashionable cosmetic procedure makes every woman's dream come true - beautiful fluffy eyelashes.
Does Wobenzym help in the treatment of endometriosis?
What is Wobenzym medicine for? The drug is often prescribed for complex treatment for various diseases. He
Mucinous ovarian cyst - what is it and how to treat it?
The term cystoma was widely used in Russian-speaking countries to describe ovarian tumors originating from epithelial
Bougienage of the cervical canal for the treatment of atresia and stenosis
What is bougienage? What is bougienage of the cervical canal? The procedure is a forced
Herbal remedies for menopause. Traditional medicine recipes
Hello, dear readers! Today’s publication concerns only women, and we will discuss herbs with
What to do if the vagina makes unpleasant sounds in the doggy style position?
When, at the most intimate moment, air leaves the vagina with a characteristic sound,
Is it possible to spin a hoop during menstruation, hula hoop?
A hoop (or hula hoop) is a simple, easily accessible female exercise machine designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles,
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