What is an ovulation test: rules of use
For every woman, pregnancy is something touching and important. And therefore its onset
Norkolut for early pregnancy termination
Norkolut for endometriosis is prescribed to women with grades 1 and 2 of the hormone-dependent disease. Also active
How to lose weight with polycystic ovary syndrome: important rules when creating a menu and doctor’s advice
» Weight loss » Diets » Diet for polycystic ovary syndrome 0 367 Article rating Polycystic ovary syndrome
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"Diflucan" (suppositories): indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Diflucan suppositories are a local medicine against various forms of candidiasis, which has many
Can a woman go for a gynecological examination during her period?
We all know that we need to see a gynecologist regularly. But the high speed of modern life,
How to use medicinal Chinese tampons MILLDOM
Material and tools for manufacturing As a rule, such tampons are used in gynecology. They are introduced
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How to reduce heavy periods: pills and home remedies
The presence of menstruation is an indicator of reproductive health. The duration of the discharge period is considered normal if it does not
Specific discharge after cauterization of the cervix and its smell
Every second woman is diagnosed with cervical erosion. After conducting the necessary studies, the gynecologist determines
How many days before menstruation does progesterone drop?
Progesterone is a hormone that is essentially responsible for pregnancy; it can also cause infertility. Progesterone
Can Laktozhinal be used during menstruation?
The female body is especially often exposed to various diseases. Among various pathologies one can note dysbiosis of female
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